Chapter Twenty-Four: The Discovery

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The word penetrated the darkness which I was enveloped in. It sounded faint, like whoever was speaking was far away.

Reagan, wake up!

The words were slightly louder, though not loud enough to snap me out of the drowsy state I was currently in. 

"Wake up!"

The words shot through my mind like a bullet and I shot up in alarm, gasping as a sharp pain shot through my body.

"Oh thank goodness! If you don't do something quick, you're gonna bleed out!"

I blinked and winced at the sharp pain in my side. The room I was in slowly came into focus, and I looked around for the person speaking. There was no one around.


It took me a few seconds to recognize Lee's voice, and I glanced down.

"W-what happened?" I croaked, feeling incredibly weak and tired.

"You passed out and I've been trying to wake you up! You got shot in the side, remember? I've checked your vitals and...blood pressure and stuff, because that actually happens to be one of my cool features, you know? Anyways, the laser cut you pretty deep and you've been losing a lot of blood. Don't ask me how I figured that you, because I have no idea how the human body works. I'm sure Amy knows more than me. Uh, the main point is, you need to do something about that wound!"

It took me a few seconds to register what he was saying. My brain was working slowly, and I was still trying to remember what had happened to me.

As I became more aware of my surroundings, I noticed something warm running down my arm. I glanced down to discover my arm pressed tightly against my side. My shirt was stained dark red and blood had begun to pool on the scratchy brown carpet beneath me.

My eyes widened at the sight of so much blood and I removed my arm, wincing as the pressure was released. I ignored the sticky blood all over my arm as I clutched the hem of my shirt, trying to build up enough courage to examine the wound underneath.

"We need to find a way to get help," Lee said. 

I ignored him for the moment and after a three second countdown, yanked my shirt up. I whimpered as the fabric separated from the sticky mess underneath. As I looked for the first time at the damage to my side, I flinched and inhaled sharply. It was hard to see much with all the blood, but I was able to distinguish a long, deep gash trailing over my stomach and side.

I let my shirt fall as a thought occurred to me. "Wait, wouldn't the wound have cauterized?" I asked Lee.

"Hmm, good point. The only thing I can tell you is that the lasers the robots have are designed to...not cauterize? I honestly have no idea."

I sighed in frustration and tried to focus on what I had to do next. First of all, what had happened to Jason? Was he still stuck in the rooms below? Did he even know what had happened?

I decided that the first thing I had to do was stand up. A desk stood a few feet away at the front of the room. I reached for it, gasping as searing pain coursed through my body. I grabbed the edge of the desk and shifted onto my knees, grinding my teeth together and pushing my arm back against my side. Slowly, I pushed myself to my feet, sharp cries forcing their way out of my mouth. 

I stood, one hand on the desk for balance, and looked out the window in front of me. The lights outside were still on, but everything seemed completely still and quiet. There was no evidence of the pandemonium which had long ago?

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