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Hey guys, here's chapter six.ENJOY!! 😊


Jimin's POV
Late evening...

I woke up after a while but didn't get up. A maid had come to give me lunch also. After that I had decided to rest a bit more. I was thinking of... what's his name... yeah, Jungkook. He seemed to be the opposite of the little I've ever heard about him. He seems to be so sweet and caring. Now actually thinking of it, I didn't really feel as afraid of him as I did in the morning. It took my by surprise when I realized how fast my heart was beating as I was thinking about him.

I was getting bored and thinking about going out. Then I remembered, I also had to ask him when can I leave. I mean I can't stay here forever. But I also don't wanna go back to that hell which I call home. Dad will actually kill me when I'll get back. Or worse, he'll punish me and let me starve to death in the basement... The terrible thought was enough to make shivers of fear run down my body.

I let out a bored sigh, deciding to roam around a little. But as soon as I placed my feet onto the cold ground, the door swung open revealing Jungkook. I slightly jumped due to the sudden surprise, god he needs to start knocking or else I'll die of a heart attack any moment.

"Hey, hey... calm down, it's just me." He said smiling at me and I would be lying if I say that I didn't want to melt into a puddle at the spot. His smile was just so charming and sweet and made me feel things that I've never experienced before.

"Y-yeah..." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up for some unknown reason as I climbed back onto the bed. He slowly walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. I could feel my heart starting to speed up due to the close distance between us.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked, looking directly at me and I had to avert my eyes to avoid becoming a tomato. His stare was just so intense.

"U-uh better..." I replied as I felt heat rise upto my cheeks due to the sudden eye contact just now. I felt kind of nervous around him, good kind of nervous.

"Good..." He said, nodding his head slightly. "Jimin I wanted to ask you something..." he said and seemed kind of hesitant to me.

"Um...what is it?" I asked him, wondering what could he be wanting to ask me.

"This morning, what were you doing there? I mean in the alley way. And who was that guy? Do you know him?" He questioned, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"No no, I don't know him. It's just that my dad sent me there to tell him something." I said. "When I went there, he pulled me over and placed his... his gun at my head. I was so scared... I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been there." I told him, shuddering at the scary memory. I was scared for my life at that moment.

"Oh, but I was there, wasn't I? You don't need to be scared anymore. But... what did your dad ask you to tell him?? If you don't mind me asking." he said reassuringly, giving another small smile and I had to focus on what he was saying to stop myself from blushing again.

"Oh that... I think my dad has borrowed money from him. He told me to tell that guy that he doesn't have the money right now." I said to him and he nodded his head in understanding.

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