Here We Go Again

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I stood on my front porch, leaning against one of the colonial columns with a cup of coffee in hand. It was roughly five in the morning and the other pack members were surely sleeping.

It wasn't that long ago that I woke up. I had only just poured myself a cup when I heard the purr of a car engine roaring down the highway towards my home. I took a sip and smiled. I'd only heard that noise a handful of times, but I would recognize it anywhere.

My grin grew even wider as I watched the sleek black car turn into my driveway, excitement bubbling up in my chest. A month without seeing the curious Winchester boys seemed far too long - I was excited to see the rebellious brothers once again.

The car finally came to a stop, the passenger door being thrown before it had fully come to a rest. Out stepped Sam, a characteristic friendly smile adorning his lips. I set my coffee down on the porch railing and walked toward the youngest brother.

Sam extended his arms in an embrace, which I happily took. Dean watched as he stepped out of the car, a chuckle falling from his lips.

"Didn't think you'd miss us that much, Fido," he said, a charming smile gracing the trio. "I suppose being alone for a month can do that for you."

I chuckled. "I was alone for much longer than that before I met you, Dean." I turned and sauntered away from the brothers towards the open front door. "Are you boys coming in? I made coffee."


The boys were only there for about an hour when Booth came strolling into the kitchen. He paid them no mind, knowing they were coming as I had already alerted the pack. Unfortunately, I failed to tell the Winchesters about my new pack members and they responded accordingly.

The Winchesters watched with mixed looks of shock and horror as Booth drank from a nearly empty carton of milk in the refrigerator. Dean spoke up when the older man had finally finished the carton.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Booth paused in the middle of throwing the carton into a trashcan. He turned to look at me, an amused smile fighting to show itself. "You didn't tell them?" he asked, confusion written on his face.

I laughed, laying my head down on my arms, struggling to breathe. The Winchesters were riotous, yelling back and forth with Booth struggling to calm them down. It was very clear Booth's patience was wearing thin.

I wheezed and fell silent, hearing Booth's deep growl. I glanced up at him to see his eyes glowing a faint blue and fangs beginning to protrude. Both Winchesters had guns drawn and aimed at the older male.

"Booth. Enough." I said, authority dripping from my voice. I still wasn't used to the effect it had, on any of us. He glanced my way and immediately dropped his snarl.

"They started it," he said, turning away from the younger men and depositing the carton in the trash. I snorted, trying to wipe away my smirk.

"Guys, put the guns away," I said sternly. The boys slowly lowered them, never taking their eyes off Booth. Dean glared at him. It was a look that made me shiver, and I knew Booth would certainly be dead if looks could kill. I never wanted to be on the receiving end of that look.

"Who the hell is he?" the elder Winchester demanded, spite lacing his voice.

"My second in command," I responded nonchalantly. All men turned to look at her, an equal look of surprise on Booth's features. I shrugged at him, a smile dawning on both our faces at the sudden decision.

"Your what?" Sam questioned. "Since when did you have a second? Since when did you have a- a pack? I thought you told them to leave?"

"I did. Three stayed. They're annoying, but I've grown quite fond of them." Booth huffed at this and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. He seemed to delight in the Winchesters' confusion. I turned to face my newly named second. "Where are Andrew and Sasha?"

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя