God's Instrument

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I wished I had asked to ride with the brothers. I wished I hadn't driven my damn truck. I was so tired of driving, and I was sure I was missing something crucial by not being in the car with them. Were they discussing the vampires? Or maybe their father? Who the fuck knows. I certainly didn't.

I pouted in my seat, mulling over what little I knew of the case so far. Some old hunter named Elkins had been killed by a group of vampires - a coven, I thought. Stupid name. Made me think of something a bunch of goth teenagers would call themselves. Though if the movies held any fact, vampires were just a bunch of goths.

Despite the sun bearing down on me and warming the entire of Dennis's old rust-bucket, I felt like I could fall asleep at any moment. To be fair, I had been awake for, what, thirty hours now? God, I couldn't wait to get to sleep.

My eyes snapped open as the Impala roared to life and flashed forward, swerving in front of John's glossy pickup. It screeched to a halt and Sam stormed out of the driver's side door not even a second after putting the car in park.

I pulled off the road, out of the way of any passing cars. Not that it mattered, as the boys and their father had effectively taken up three-quarters of the road. The door protested as I thrust it open and strode towards the quarreling Winchesters.

"We need to talk," Sam shouted across the road to his father, who was just stepping out of his vehicle. Sam looked absolutely livid, his hands balled into tight fists. Dean looked visibly annoyed behind him, although clearly more so at his brother than his father.

"About what?" John hissed out and stopped in front of Sam, nose to nose with his taller son.

Sam sneered and gestured wildly. "About everything. Where are we going, Dad? What's the big deal about this gun? How do you know it can kill the demon?"

Dean placed his hand on Sam's shoulder and his younger brother roughly shoved him off. He scowled. "Sammy, come on, we can Q-and-A after we kill all the vampires."

"Your brother's right, we don't have time for this," John added. I frowned. There was always time to discuss what was going on - the boys had a right to know.

"John, you can't keep them in the dark," I offered, keeping my tone as polite as possible. His eyes snapped to mine, holding a furious look in them that made my skin crawl. "We have as much right to know what's going on as you do."

John glared daggers at me and I squared my shoulders, standing my ground. I hated that he thought that look would get him anywhere with me. I wasn't his sons, I couldn't be ordered around like a soldier.

"Last time we saw you, you said it was too dangerous for us to be together. Now out of the blue, you need our help," Sam shouted angrily, pointing an accusing finger at his father. "Now obviously something big is going down, and we wanna know what!" I winced. Sam's aggression wasn't going to get him anywhere with John. It was like talking to a brick wall that could punch you.

John's hands curled into fists and he glared ferociously at his youngest son. "Get back in the car," he finally ordered, his tone low and icy, thick with malice.

Sam snorted as though it was some joke. "No," he sneered, his tone equally as dangerous. My eyes widened in shock. I had never heard the boys talk back to their father, and I had never expected to see it. They had been so happy to reunite with him again, and now suddenly it was crumbling.

I glanced towards Dean, whose green eyes were just as wide. They quickly narrowed with annoyance and frustration. I sidled over to him and placed my hand gently on his upper arm reassuringly. Thankfully, he didn't shrug me off as Sam had done to him.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя