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I held an ice pack to my bruised cheek, my feet bumping against the edge of the counter and the cabinets beneath as I swung them lazily. I winced a Sasha wiped antiseptic on my arm, feeling it stings the wounds on my upper arm.

The kitchen was silent, save for the occasional rustling of bandages as Calliope fumbled with them. No one had said a word since the end of my fight with Caeden.

That damn fight...

I reached a quivering hand to the base of my neck, resting my fingertips on a spot that seemed to thrum under my touch. It felt as though electricity was humming from my neck and down my spine. It was nothing I had ever felt until now and began shortly after seeing what I assumed with Caeden's memories.

I could feel him. He was confused and nervous just as I was. What had happened to us?

I jumped as the back door was thrown open, banging harshly against the wall, and was sure to leave a mark. Sasha lurched backward and dragged the antiseptic harshly down my arm, drawing another wince from me. I pulled the ice pack from my bruised cheek and turned my tired eyes to meet Marcus's seething, veridian ones.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" Marcus snarled, his tone low, dangerous, and full of wrath. It brought prickles down my spine and a warning growl from my wolf's lips, her first action since the end of my fight. "What the fuck did you do!?" he demanded, stomping forward. Calliope was quick to jump to her feet and block Marcus's path. She placed her hands on his chest, pushing him back gently.

He growled ferally and gripped her wrists tightly, yanking them away from him and shoving her to the side. Calliope stumbled into Sasha, who caught her and helped to steady her much taller friend.

Marcus stormed towards me and snatched the front of my shirt, gripping it tightly and pulling my face towards his. "You could have killed him!" he spat. I grimaced and laced a hand gently atop his.

"Marcus, he was trying to kill her!" Sasha countered, a pleading tone in her voice. "We all saw it- he looked like he was out for blood!"

Marcus's eyes stayed focused on mine as he thrust a hand towards Sasha, gesturing for her to shut up. "Caeden doesn't kill people. He wouldn't-"

"Liar," I hissed lowly, my grip on his hand tightening, nails pushing shallowly into his skin. "He tried to kill that hunter, Marcus," I retorted softly.

"That was different-" he began. I silenced him with added pressure from my nails. He winced.

"I know why, Marcus," I muttered. "I know what the hunter did. I saw it happen." His eyes widened to the size of saucers, anger dissipating into shock. And just as quickly as it had gone, the rage flooded back into his eyes.

His curled fist released my shirt and lunged for my throat, thumb pressing against the side of my throat. I gasped and reached for his wrist, digging my nails into his skin in fright. "How the hell do you know about that!?" he demanded. His green eyes glowed and he looked to be seconds away from bursting into his fur.

My grip on his wrist tightened and I glowered at him. "Get. Off. Of. Me," I hissed out, each word wheezier than the last. My hand lurched forward and I dug my thumb into the space behind his collar bone, a sensitive pressure point. Marcus winced, his shoulder sagging and grip loosening, but not enough for me to escape.

And suddenly a force like a raging bull crashed into Marcus and tackled him to the floor. I gasped, air filling my lungs once again. Marcus hadn't been trying to kill me, but he had certainly deprived me of needed oxygen.

I turned my furious gaze back toward the blonde. Marcus snarled and thrashed beneath Booth who had him pinned to the floor by his neck and shoulders. "Let him go, Booth," I said as I slid off the countertop, my bare feet touching the cold wooden floors. Booth's icy eyes surveyed me with concern before he stood, relinquishing his hold on Marcus.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now