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I fiddled with my uncomfortable slacks, hating how they were fitted against my thighs but loose around my ankles. How anyone could survive even a day in such uncomfortable clothing was beyond me - I had no idea how Sasha was managing a pencil skirt of all things.

She spoke coolly to the floor manager, lies about company insurance and funds rolling off her tongue like it was nothing. I had never seen her so confident - this was her element, what she had been taught to do, and what she had been very good at before she was bitten.

My fingertips skimmed over the surface of the newly polished desk. There wasn't a speck of blood to be seen on it - not even a smear of cleaning products that someone had missed. It was as if the mauling had never happened.

I really hoped Sam was having better luck at the morgue.

Sasha's heels thudded dully against the new gray carpet. The old one had been white, but... well it was difficult to get that much blood out of white carpet. "Anything yet?" she questioned, glancing over my shoulder as I bent to inspect the desk legs.

"No, nothing," I answered through gritted teeth. I turned to face her with knitted brows - her hair that had been neat when we arrived had slipped out of its tight bun and was slowly coming done. Her face looked paler than usual, which was significant as she was by far the palest of any of my pack members. "You sure you're feeling alright?"

Sasha shook her head and tucked a few strands of brown hair behind her ear. "Probably just ate something funny - bet my bacterial cultures are out of order or something, that's all," she replied with a weak smile. I raised one brow, not quite understanding what she meant by that.

"If you're sure," I answered with a shrug. "Just don't go getting food poisoning on me." Sasha chuckled softly and wrung her hands nervously, glancing back at the frosted glass door blocking us from the rest of the office building.

"So what do you think it is?" she finally asked a question I knew she had been dying to ask from the very beginning of this case.

"Honestly? Probably a werewolf. 'S close to a full moon, and Sam said something about other attacks this year." I inhaled shakily and braced my palms on my thighs, one hand planted right above the scars that marked my first werewolf hunt. "If the vic's missing his heart like we think, that pretty much confirms it."

"And you're sure it's not... like us?" Sasha asked slightly, her voice holding a slight worried warble. I whipped to face her, the sudden motion taking her aback. "I-It's just Booth said you were worried maybe you were being watched? How can you be sure that isn't this?"

I scowled and faced the desk once more, head bowed and angled to peer under the edge of it. Of course, he had mentioned it. I had filled him in on my worries on the way over to San Francisco - he wasn't too pleased that it had taken a week for me to tell someone.

"This doesn't fit the pattern. They only ever turn up after a case-" I answered with a frown, my fingers running along the underside of the lip. There was something there. "Hand me the flashlight, will you?"

Sasha scrambled around the desk, her short heels clicking against the tile in a flurry as she reached for our bag on a chair in the corner of the office. She withdrew it quickly and tossed it over the desk where I easily caught it and switched it on.

"Huh. Looks like these clean freaks actually missed something," I said cheerfully, the small ring of light highlighting a spot of blood on the underside of the desk. It must have dripped down the side where the cleaners hadn't seen the tail end of it.

I gripped the edge of the desk and pulled my face close to the drop of blood, hoping that it held some residual scent. It smelled distinctly human, so much so that my stomach churned with weak pangs of hunger, and the hairs on my arms rose in response. But there was something else there, something not quite human-

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now