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"So, old flames and an evil car, huh? Sorry I missed it," I called out to the Winchesters before they even had a chance to exit the Impala. It had been a week since my last call with them, almost a week and a half since Marcus and Caeden had decided to stay. They were settling in well, and as almost an initiation, I took them hunting with me - not monster hunting, just good old deer hunting.

Dean whipped to his younger brother, eyes filled to the brim with shock. "Dude, you promised not to mention that!"

"Just the fact that you made Sam promise tells me everything I need to know!" I teased, earning a head shake from Dean. As Sam approached the front porch he opened his arms wide and I practically lept into his bear hu, the both of us laughing cheerfully.

"Nice to see you again, N/N," he said, finally setting me down.

"It feels like it's been so long," I grinned, eyes flicking between the boys.

"Just over a month, Sparky," answered Dean as he rummaged through the trunk of his immaculate car. "We brought some goodies too. Any place we can drop them?"

"In the kitchen. Andrew and Caeden are working on lunch - Drew's making his famous grilled cheese."

"Grilled cheese, huh? Sounds fancy," Sam teased, taking a bag of groceries from his older brother. As Dean approached the scent of cherries nearly knocked me over - it was surprisingly strong.

The two boys headed inside and were quickly greeted by Andrew, who was practically jumping for joy upon seeing them. He offered a hug to Sam, who took it, whereas Dean opted for a handshake. I paced into the kitchen to see Caeden drying off his hands with a dishtowel. It looks as though he had just washed whatever couldn't fit into the dishwasher, which I'm sure Sasha would appreciate.

"Caeden, meet the Winchesters," I said, gesturing to the Winchesters. "Sam and Dean, meet Caeden, one of our newest pack members!" Caeden remained quiet, eyes fixated on the cloth wrapped around his handsAfter several long moments, he waved halfheartedly to the Winchesters before returning to the side dishes, not bothering to meet their gazes.

Sam cleared his throat and looked around the kitchen, effectively breaking the silence. "Where're Booth and Sasha?" he asked quizzically, scanning the yard outside.

"I'm in here!" came Sasha's quiet voice from the laundry room. She exited with a large basket of dirty laundry in her arms. "Sorry, it's maintenance day! I would give you both hugs but-" she readjusted the basket in her arms and huffed, blowing a piece of her short, pixie cut hair out of her face, "- my hands are a bit full at the moment! Last I checked, Booth and Marcus were out sparring in the woods. Just another load of laundry I'm going to need to do when they come back!"

"You don't need to do that Sasha, they can do their own laundry," I chirped. "There's no reason you should have to do everything around here - you're not our mother."

"Oh, I really don't mind-"

"Sasha-" I said softly, a relaxed smile on my cheeks. "You permission to yell at us if we're not helping you enough, and you sure as hell can put us to work. There's no reason you should be doing all the heavy lifting." I smiled playfully at her and she grinned back before dipping her head as a thank you and disappearing back into the laundry room.

I spun on my heels to face the Winchesters. "I'm going to go find Booth and Marcus. Care to join me?"

"Will we be able to keep up with you?" Sam asked jokingly.

"How fast can you run?"

The boys paled.

I jogged through the woods, the boys not far behind me, and my ears pricked to any sound of my pack members. My boots hit the forest floor softly, hardly making a sound other than the crunching of leaves, whereas the boys thumped along behind me.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum