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Finding the Winchesters was going to be harder than I had originally anticipated. I groaned and ran a hand through my hair, brushing it out of my face and glaring at the fully charged phone in my hand. I had a handful of Dean's phone numbers and two of Sam's, but I knew I didn't have all of them. Those boys had a ridiculous amount of phones and I never knew which they were using.

I fiddled with the phone and selected one of Sam's numbers, chewing on my lip as it dialed. There was a chance he would answer, but it was slim. I was sure there was no way Dean would answer - I had a feeling he was angry with me, and even before my stunt he had rarely answered my calls, always so fixated on something else.

I really needed a better way to get ahold of the brothers.

After six long rings, the call dropped. No answer. I pinched the bridge of my nose and kicked at a pebble in the middle of the deserted motel parking lot. Apparently, I'd need to call all of their numbers.

Sam didn't answer either of his known phones, but I wasn't surprised by that. It was around lunchtime, so they were either hunting or scarfing burgers at some diner. Hunting was the most likely option - they didn't usually have their phones on them during a hunt.

I tried Dean's cell next. Three numbers in, I finally heard a receiving click on the other end - I nearly jumped for joy.

"Hello?" came Sam's gruff voice on the other end. I was surprised to hear his voice instead of his older brother's.

"Sam? It's Y/N." I heard a lot of shuffling from the other end, like he had bolted upright from shock.

"Y/N? Is everything alright? Are you OK-"

"I'm fine, Sam. Better than fine actually," I said with a grin. It was good to hear his voice. "I've figured some stuff out. I'm feeling... better now."

"That's good!" he exclaimed, the phone cutting out briefly. "So... what are you calling for? Shouldn't you be... doing pack stuff?"

I laughed. "I'm not with my pack yet. Not quite ready for that. I was wondering where you boys are at? Thought maybe I'd join you for another hunt before I went back to my pups."

He chuckled. "We're in Colorado right now, pretty close to Wyoming. Listen Y/N... maybe you shouldn't come back yet. Dean's pretty pissed - he's been burying himself in the hunt for dad."

I scoffed. "An even better reason for me to come back. I can help you find your father and knock some sense into your dumbass brother. Did you explain to him why I left?"

"Yeah, yeah I tried to explain it to him. But he still feels pretty betrayed. You left without a word to him, Y/N," he sounded distraught and I heard more shuffling from the other end.

I fell silent, pondering what to say next. How was I supposed to explain to them why I left? Sam understood at least a little, but Dean... I could understand why he was frustrated. I wasn't sure what to say to make amends, but I had to try.

"I want to see you, Sam - both of you. I want to apologize to Dean, but I can't do that unless I see him."

Sam sighed from the other end. "OK. I'll keep you updated on where we are. I'll see you soon, N/N."

I felt my heart soar at the nickname. After a flood of profuse thank-yous and Sam's chuckles, the line finally went dead. He had given me a location amongst my gratitude and I was already throwing all of my clothes into my bag before the call was finished.

I laughed and threw myself onto the solid mattress, burying my face into the blankets. Relief washed over me. It felt like for the first time in months things were finally going my way. I rolled over onto my back and stared at my ceiling.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now