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"Can you just answer the damn question, Marcus?" I spat into my phone's speaker, pacing up and down the guest room. Andrew sat meekly on the bed, slumped and with his head in his hands. His head was pounding and all he really wanted to do was tell me to shut up, but he knew he couldn't. He just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Can't you just tell us what's going on first-" the blonde on the other end of the phone pled again, cut off by my sharp snarl.

"How far out are you Marcus?" I snapped, steadily growing tired of having to repeat myself.

"About two hours I think," he finally grumbled, albeit reluctantly. "Maybe an hour and a half if Caeden picks up the pace. Are you going to tell us what's going on now?"

"When you get here, I will," I replied, the tension dissipating from my voice. "Look, all I need is for you to give Andrew a ride home-"

"You're not coming with us?" Caeden's voice crackled from the other end. I shook my head and dragged my backpack out from under the bed. The lump of canvas dropped onto the bed with a thud.

"Not yet. I've got something else to take care of."

"Sounds cryptic," Marcus joked wearily, hiding his frustration with humor. "Give us two more hours, alright? We'll be there soon." I nodded at his words and muttered a quiet thank you before ending the call.

With a groan I dropped forward onto the bed, my face in my hands and my legs hanging off the bed. Andrew winced and turned his tired eyes on my frustrated form.

"How long?" he asked, fiddling with his hands in his lap. He was antsy and anxious to know what was going on. All he knew was that he was suddenly being dropped into someone else's lap in favor of a hunt.

"Two more hours," I mumbled into the heavy quilted comforter, my voice muffled by the thick fabric. I lifted my head and checked the watch strapped to my wrist - 4 o'clock in the afternoon. With a groan I dropped my head back onto the mattress, my arm collapsing with it.

I jumped as my block of a phone burst into music. I scrambled for the box, ignoring Andrew's harsh wince at the sudden noise, and flipped the screen up, checking the caller ID.

"Dean?" I spoke into the phone, raising it to my ear. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I, uh..." he stammered out in what I assumed was an attempt to gather his thoughts. "You told me to call you when we got here, remember?"

"Shit..." I whispered and sat up, having completely forgotten. "Yeah, I remember. How's the case going?"

"We're in the apartment now, checking the place out. Figured now was as good a time as ever to call," he replied. I could almost picture the sheepish smile on his face. "Oh shit, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, anything," I immediately responded and froze, eyes wide. Had I really just said that?

"I need you to tell Ellen that Jo's with us," he said, completely ignoring what I had just said. My cheeks flushed for a split second before I realized just what he had said.

"What!?" I shouted, earning a severe flinch from my friend on the other bed. "What do you mean Jo's with you!?"

"It's not like we planned this!" he shouted back in exasperation. "She just showed up! Look, I know she's probably out of her mind with worry - I just want you to tell her she's safe."

"Dean, she'll kill me."

"Y/N, you're a three-hundred pound, bulletproof wolf," he muttered into the phone speaker, likely shielding his voice from Jo who was no doubt close by. "I think you'll manage just fine."

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now