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"Well that's a new one," Clarence spoke with awe, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. "Ain't never seen something like that before."

Andrew dropped to his knees in the sparse grasses beside the gravel lines quarry, his dress pants stained by vomit and dust. I was surprised the rest of us were keeping it all down so well - I for one fought the rising bile in my throat.

Before us stood a grotesque amalgamation of bloody body parts, bound to several long wooden poles with rope or duct tape. Those few that could stand to look at it could barely tear their eyes from the lump of forms. The ground was stained with sticky blood, flies buzzing from carcass to carcass. It was a sickening display, one that had many gagging or turning away from the sight. I couldn't blame them.

The police chief, Darwin, stood by my side with one of his arms covering his mouth and nose. The scent of rot clung to everything in the area and he was doing what little he could to block it. "The M.E.s said some of those... bits... match up to the bodies we found. Some don't."

"How many of them don't?" I asked quietly, every muscle in my body tensed in horror and shock. The chief shook his head. The exhaustion that had plagued me was certainly gone now.

"We're not sure yet, but there's quite a few. Some of them might, uh, fit together..." he sighed and turned away from the gory scene. "And, um... some of them aren't human-"

"Obviously," Marcus scoffed and the chief fell silent with a wince. "Like the fucking dog head isn't right there," he spat and gestured at the bloody canine head impaled on a stake in the center of the piece.

I snuck a glance at the mess of corpses before turning away again. The chief rambled something about the examiners taking the pieces back to the station to examine. I only half-listened as I bent down beside Andrew and placed a reassuring hand on his back.

He coughed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes scrunched tightly together. "I guess this isn't normal either?" he questioned.

I laughed morbidly and helped to pull him to his feet, his hands shaking in mine. "No, it just seems like you're getting all the fun cases," I answered with a teasing grin.

"Yeah. Fun."

"Y/N? What do you think?" Marcus called from his spot beside the chief of police. I lifted my head and turned to him with curious eyes. "Who do you want to stay here with the crime scene unit?" he asked and gestured sourly over his shoulder at the mess.

I faced Clarence, silently asking for his opinion. The older man shrugged and ran his hand over his slicked-back hair. With pursed lips, I turned back to Marcus. "You and Caed can head this one up. The three of us will head back to see the autopsies," I replied. Marcus frowned - he clearly didn't want to be left on tracking duty. "Just see what you can find out, alright? Call if you find anything."

The pair nodded and Caeden pulled his partner by the arm back towards the crime scene, grumbling as he went. I watched them make their way to the investigators, then spun on my heel and marched towards Clarence's battered pickup, parked on the side of the highway alongside numerous police cars and ambulances.


"I think that arm goes with Bauer," the doctor said with a grimace and pointed towards a mangled corpse on an autopsy table. His assistant's gloved fingers reached for the arm but quickly retracted with surprise.

"Bauer's already got two arms, doc," the young assistant chirped nervously. The medical examiner swore quietly under his breath and stumbled over to his assistant to inspect the arm.

I shook my head and turned back to the pile of case files on the second autopsy table. Andrew, Clarence, and I surrounded the table, going over each autopsy and police report. We had to have missed something, anything.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now