Chapter 3

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Another day, another beating...

Angel was tired, how she wished that she had also run away that day, that she had saved that woman.


She had been shocked to find the two women locked up in the basement. When her brother ordered her to go down and clean up the mess, she never envisioned finding the two helpless women.

The first woman was badly beaten up and the other was under heavy sedatives.

She knew her brother was a sadistic psycho, but this was beyond her comprehension.

As the days passed, she knew that she had to save the women, but that wasn't going to be easy, especially if one of them was always asleep, oblivious to the situation at hand.

That only left her able to help the other one, so when the opportunity arose, when her brother and his cronies had gone to a meeting, that would take them two days to be away, leaving her alone in the house.

She literally dragged the beaten up woman out of the house, making sure that no-one outside saw them, there were still guards roaming the grounds.

She knew it was a big risk, her brother would naturally assume it was her, but she had already come up with a plan with that regards, so that the suspicion would not fall on her.

Placing the woman in the back of the truck, covering her up with tarp and boxes, she drove off the compound. She was unconcerned at being stopped, it was routine for her to go out and get supplies, yet it still was nerve racking, her body shaking in fear.

She drove for three to four hours, going on the back roads of the forest, reaching a spot, she stopped her vehicle, climbing out, searching her surroundings.

Reaching the weakened woman, she took her across the stream and placed her seated under a large willow tree. Then she placed some bottled water and food near the woman.

"You are near a pack, when you have regained enough energy, I suggest you make your way north. You will come upon Lunar Pack." She spoke urgently at the young woman.

"But..." The woman weakly stuttered, "I don't think I can make it."

"You have to try..." Angel urged.

"I will die..." The woman cried.

"Rather then you die here, than at the hands of my brother." Angel knew she was being harsh, but it was the only way, "Keep going and don't look back, get as close to Lunar as you is your only hope."

Angel didn't have much time, covering the woman with a blanket, she turned around and got back into her truck, praying that the woman was strong enough to make it.

Just before reaching the compound, she stopped her truck on the side of the road, she went to a ditch nearby and took the supplies that she had hidden there previously, also she ditched the tarp and boxes.

Grabbing a handful of mud from the ditch, she smeared the bottom of the truck bed, making sure that any scent was eliminated.

Nobody would take a second look at her vehicle, after all, it was an old dirty beaten up truck that has seen better days.

Satisfied, she made her way to the compound, as she approached the house, she saw the guards running around frantically.

Stopping the vehicle on the side of the house, she climbed out, only to be slammed against the truck forcibly.

"Where were you...?" The guard asked.

Angel only pointed at the supplies.

The guard looked over her shoulders and into the cabin of the truck, with a growl he let her go.

Angel had carried on with her duties, asking no questions, as was always expected from her. They all treated her with contempt, ignoring her and never treating her well.

Her brother had arrived and on the wake of finding out that one of the women had escaped, she had taken the brunt of his anger, when he beat her to a pulp.

End of flashback.

Two weeks had passed since then, they had moved again to another compound.

The one consolation that she had was that the woman she helped, had made it...

She was part of the meeting with her brother and another person. In addition, that her brother was ordered to move the other woman too another place.

Remembering with clarity everything that was spoken and how she got a beating afterwards. This happened, whenever her brother needed to vent his frustrations out on someone, which always guaranteed that it would be her to take a beating.

Now it was time, she had to get away, she could no longer handle all the abuse, her body was getting weaker and tired. And she had a slim chance to run as far as she could, while her brother was distracted with business.

She could do nothing about the other woman.

However,...perhaps she could find someone, she could trust enough to help her.

She was brought out of her musings, when she heard a commotion downstairs.

Curios, she quietly made her way down, hiding in the shadow.

Hiding behind a corner, she saw her brother and his guards drag an unconscious male down to the basement.

Her breath hitched, her wolf recognizing the male as being her mate...

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