Chapter 6-The Library

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I felt a surge of fear wash over me, and just as quick as it came, it had abandoned me. Rhys' pendant sat around my neck, glowing. I grasped it in my hand and closed my eyes, something about this place... I wanted answers... but... even though it was calling to me to find them, I had something I had to do first.

"Lady Grandma!" I called out when my eyes met first light, then my feet began to carry me, far past the books the whispered my name, past those that flew off the shelves, even past the one that hit me in the head. "Lady Grandma!" I needed the answers about my family, every part of me ached to turn around and pick up one of the books that could tell me everything, but I couldn't. I just couldn't do it, when knowing that Lady Grandma might be in need of help.

"One day you will understand the importance, of putting others first, and yourself second," She said to me as a single leaf fell in my hair, "One day my little flower."

I shook my head and moved faster. The need and the want, they were trying to make me forget that importance that I was taught years ago. If I forgot that, surely I'd forget her, and I wouldn't let myself do that. So, on I continued into the library where each turn led me farther astray than the last.

"I have a feeling you don't want me to leave?" I asked aloud as I sunk to the floor by a nearby book pile. The library shook as I stared at the books. "I won't pick them up. Not one. What I want comes after finding Lady Grandma." Again, the library shook. "No." I stated firmly. Realizing Ava would've laughed at me for talking to a building, I began laughing too. I stood and looked around. "I'll stick with them, Ava. Protect them... please... just protect yourself..." I thought about Ava as I kept down the halls. Another book nailing me in the face as I dropped to the ground. "What is with the library!?!?" I shouted and heard a faint laugh.

"Everything," The laugh said, "Everything." I stood and followed the voice. "This library. Only those worthy to enter may enter and leave. If you aren't worthy, you become consumed in its powers. Most of the royal family members avoid this place. So why are you here?"

"I'm not a member of the royal family," I said softly, as to take them off their guard that I wasn't nearing them.

"Oh, so you're a thief? A runaway? Or are you just browsing for answers?" They asked and I turned a sharp corner, only to have a sword to my throat, "Closer your eyes." I did as I was told. "What are you?"

"Not a Damos," I answered, "And not an enemy. I'm human." I felt the blade pull back and steps away from me followed.

"So," They said as I looked up, to see a man, tall, proud shoulders, scars along his arms. He had on a mask that resembled a monster. "You're not who I thought you were."

"What?" I asked and stood, trying to follow him. He swiped his sword twice, creating two portals.

"You either want answers and follow me," He said and stepped towards one black and red portal, "Or, you do what you came in here to do. And find that old lady. The choice is yours." I watched him leave, curiosity flooding through my body as I walked through the portal. Blue and white lines floated around my body and carried me quickly. I watched around me as memories flew through, other people, just like me, who passed through this same portal.

Then I could see him. The man, there was... space, between us. Actually space. He stood still while I moved, staring at me. He nodded and then, like the light in the darkness, was gone. Then so was I. Landing in a pile of books, right beside Lady Grandma.

"OH, MY WORD!" She screamed and jumped, almost knocking more books onto me.

"Heheheh..." I said nervously, "Hello..."

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