Chapter 22-Are You With Damos?

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"So what do we do?" Derek asked as I looked around at every single assassin standing by us, "They're on our side... We killed the leader... They look to us now..."

"That's really dark..." I muttered. I closed my eyes thinking for a moment. We need more than just Damos. "Alright! Everyone listen up!" I jumped up on the large thrown and climbed to the top. "We know you guys are on our side! But we're gonna do something crazy! We're gonna save Damos!" Silence fell upon us, and then, two little kids came forward.

"How can we help?" They asked in unison.

"We'll help too!" Someone else called out, and they all followed behind the others. Derek looked out to them and nodded.

"We need to get people from another world! Humans! From the world of Earth!" Derek shouted and followed up to the thrown with me, "You cannot kill them! But we need them to help!" A few boos on that one but as expected. "We'll need some alchemist! You all come with me!"

"Wait-we need someone who can travel to the castle!" I shouted out, "A few people! To attain someone named Zex!" Mummers flowed through the crowd as I jumped down to Derek. "He can get Ava, Dad, even Pop. Plus some others that can help us."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"No," I said and shook my head with a smile, "No I'm not."

It took us several hours to get everything ready, and by the time we were, Zex was being very impatient. Everyone was ready, and everything was set. Derek kept pulling me aside asking if I was sure about this, and of course, I wasn't. But I kept telling him we had to. The world was dying, and I could feel the connection being drained from Damos to Earth. Alateca was heading there very soon.

"We need someone to use their magic or the portal won't open," Zex said as he led me to the area they were setting up the portal for, "A little bit of magic will keep it open for five minutes, a lot of magic, forever." Magic... that explains why Noi didn't have any when he arrived...

"I'll do it," Derek said and stepped forward, "I'll do it..."

"Derek," I said but he only held a hand up and shut me up.

"I've never done anything in my life right, Tristian," He began, "I've been too distant for too long. It's time I fix that. Our magic is powerful, with my magic we can keep this portal open. The one thing that would happen is that the ice I put around the old house will melt and-"

"You'll die..." I finished for him, "You think I didn't try to get rid of my powers before too? I was in the hospital for a couple of months." We stayed silent and stopped just before the portal spot.

"You got this," He said with a wink and headed forward, "It'll be for the best. But hurry." A recon team came to my side and I only pushed them away. "Only her guys! It's for the better!"

I didn't watch... I kept my mouth shut and held my breath until the portal was opened, and coming through it... everything was heavy and burning my skin. I was back in the apartment, smiling joyfully as Ava peeked her head out from behind the couch she tried to hide behind.

"Tris!" She called and jumped back over, throwing her arms around me to give me a large hug, "How did you get back?" I held up Rhys crystal and smiled kindly, no words were present to describe how much I missed seeing her smiling face. Dad and Pop jumped up and joined in with her in a large hug.

"Well, at least you won't be missing our wedding!" I heard someone scoff out. Lance. I pulled away and smiled with a laugh as I ran up and hugged Jeffory and Lance in a tight hug, even Maria joined in. Tommy was next, and yes, even Ana Maria and the two little angels of his joined in.

"Why isn't the portal disappearing?" Dad asked. I looked down and stepped back towards it, holding my hand out to everyone with a hopeful smile, but... my sorrow-filled eyes couldn't hide any longer.

"I'm not staying," I said and look up at all of them, "Ava, they're in danger. All of them. Please... I need your help." Silence filled the room as Ava trained her eyes on me. I knew what she was thinking: After everything that they did! They caused us so much trouble! Why help them? Then she did something that captured this moment.

She took my hand and smiled, "I'm in!" We looked up, Pop and Dad joining beside us.

"We can't let you two do this on your own," Dad said.

"Yeah!" Pop shouted, "Even if those are evil monsters!"

"I'm with you Ava!" Lorelei shouted and joined over with us. I didn't even notice she was here. I looked to Lance and Jeffory, not even needing to see Maria, I already know she had joined us.

"Maria what are you-" Lance said as he reached out for her.

"It's an adventure!" She snapped back, "Why not take this chance?" And with that, Jeffory and Lance were on our side too.

"Daddy!" Alani called and tugged on Tommy's leg, "Alicia and I wanna help the monsters!" They didn't even wait for a yes or a no, they just ran off and snagged at my legs. Ana Maria's eyes locked on mine as Tommy came and joined us, Ana Maria finally joining behind us.

"Okay, we need to head through. Beware it is... cold and the air is thinner here... Breath carefully. There's Damos already there that are set to help us," I told everyone and watched carefully as each of them took their steps through the portal. Ava waited outside with me, looking at me with a bright but saddened smile.

"Promise me you won't die," Ava said and I could only smile.

"I promise," I said and took her hand, "You won't die." And with that promise, through the portal we were. Greeted by the airhead from the very beginning of it all!

"Asch..." Ava said softly.

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