5 New Dawn, New Day

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        Claire’s alarm clock projecting from the holo disk on her nightstand began to blare alive in the early morning. Under the sheets a hiding and sleepy Claire groaned and moaned as a fumbling hand reached out for the clock. Not reaching it, she turned over pocking her head out of the sheet and slammed a hand on the disk, stopping the berating sound. Claire’s sleepy and groggy eyes tried to focus as she studied the time. 

        “Oh shhhhheets!” 

        Claire hissed as she threw the covers and stumbled out of bed. She ran from the room, fumbling with her clothes as she tried to find clean ones. Back on her bed, a lump underneath the covers stirred and a yawning Crystal emerged from the covers. Crystal tripped over her feet as her mind tried to wake and she took flight with the sounds of Claire running about in the living area. 

        “I’m late! I’m late! God I can’t believe I’m gonna be late!” 

        Crystal made it to her perch and yawned some more as she curled into a comfortable position, going back to sleep, “Whatda mean ‘gonna’?” 

        Without missing a beat Claire moaned a “Shut up,” and ran out the door. She ran down the stairs and saw a miracle as she came upon Midge’s door. Midge was standing there, holding out a brown paper bag that smelled like heaven. 

        Claire couldn’t help but smile as she skidded to a stop, “Is that what I think it is?” 

        With a laugh Midge watched as Claire snapped the bag open and took a big whiff, “Two Chocolate Chip Cookie Muffins and one Moco Chocolate Cream Center Doughnut, on the house.” 

        Claire already stuffed one muffin in her mouth and finished swallowing the whole thing down as she reached the stairs, “Thanks Midge! I owe ya one!” 

        “I told you you would be late!” Midge laughed some more as she saw Claire disappear down the stairs. The old lady could only shake her head at the young mage, amazed at what she can accomplish. 

        Outside, on the streets, Claire ran as she stuffed more of her breakfast in her mouth, making her way to the public trans-port at the corner. She bobbed and weaved around the pedestrians and just as she took the last bite of her doughnut she made it to the port, thankfully unoccupied. Claire gasped for air as she entered the glass tube bending on her knees. The familiar holo fairy appeared ready to help her customer when they weren’t there. Puzzled the fairy looked down at the gasping Claire and smiled, lowering herself down to eye level. 

        “Hello, and welcome to the New York Public Trans-Portal. How may I be of service today?” 

        With her breath finally caught Claire stood up straight with the fairy following her eye level, “Hi yes. I’m Claire Dunsworth and I have a port reservation.” 

        The holo fairy flickered as the mainframe ran the name, “Claire Dunsworth, Mage. Mage identification please.” 

        “Claire Dunsworth. Mage Class: Triple ‘S’-D. Licensed Code: FP. Status: Granted.” 

        Holo fairy flickered one more time, “Identity correct. Please wait one more minute as the portal is open. Please keep hands and feet inside at all times.” 

        Claire tapped her foot as she glanced at the glowing numbers on her wrist checking the time. She suddenly remembered the note that Melvin gave her with the address and a name. Just as the portal opened and zapped her to her destination she fumbled through her pockets hoping she remembered it. As her feet touched solid ground she finally found the crumbled note and unrolled it as she stepped onto the sidewalk. 

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