41 Space

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        Claire stared out into the stars as she floated with the other ‘S’ class mages outside of the Earth.

        “Hey Dunsworth!”

        Claire turned to see Patricia, an ‘S’ class mage from Spain coming to her, “Patricia, how are you?”

        Patricia kept her long brown hair braided but sported a Goth look with black pants and tops, sporting black eye liner on her face. She crossed her arms as she came up next to Claire, “Word is Head David gave you a hard time.”

        “You listen to gossip now?”

        Patricia smirked as she chewed her gum, smacking it, “So…you gonna do it?”

        Claire tried to act innocent, “Do what?”

        Patricia waved a finger in Claire’s face, “Don’t try to act innocent with me, I know you. You’re the only one I know who could control that black hole magic. You’re gonna go out and do it anyways aren’t you?”

        Claire laughed, “Yeah.”

        Patricia came up closer, “Then what are you waiting for? Go for it. I’ll cover you.”

        Claire smiled, “Thanks Pat. I was waiting for you to help.”

        Claire chuckled as she zoomed past Patricia, hiding from the other mages as she snuck by them. She flew further and further, coming closer to the asteroid belt as she stopped. She scanned the space around her until she spotted the asteroid in question. It defiantly looked bigger than the Head described and was certainly moving fast. Claire positioned herself in its path and begun to gather her magic as she started the black hole spell.


        She shrieked as a gold chain wrapped itself around her, pinning her arms to her side as it sealed her magic. She turned to see the Head and Melvin coming towards her.

        “Mage Dunsworth you have disobeyed my orders!”

        Claire clenched her fist as her anger raised, “You’re stupid plan will kill innocents! This will stop it for good!”

        He yanked on the chain, pulling Claire to his face, “And just where do you plan to put the asteroid?”

        She struggled against the chains, “Into a nearby dwarf star you idiot, it’ll burn it up completely.”

        His eyes turned icy as he glared at her, “You have no such control! It has been proven!”

        “No it hasn’t! I can do this! Melvin! Melvin tell him! Tell him I can do this!”

        Melvin stood to the side, silently watching, “Head, perhaps-“

        “No! I will not have a ditch take such risk!”

        “I’m not a ditch!”

        Claire screamed as her anger exploded. She let out a scream as her magic ran wild, breaking the chains and throwing the Head and Melvin away from her. She crouched into a ball, holding her arms as she panted, screaming to gain control. As her magic calmed down her heart beat slowed. She looked up to see the Head looking down at her.

        “See what I mean Mage Dunsworth. You do not have control of yourself.”

        Claire panted some more, hissing through her teeth, “I don’t need control to do what’s right.”

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