6 Meltdown

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        “Coffee, tall, black.” 

        Raven yanked his wallet out as he stepped up to the barista. He slapped some bills on the counter as hot steam filled the air behind the worker and handed him his coffee. He grabs the cup as his order is rung up and goes to take a sip when someone brushes up beside him. 

        “Everything is black to you isn’t it?” 

        Raven panics as he tries to keep his cup from spilling. His coffee safe, he turns and glares at Claire at his shoulder, doing her best to look innocent with a pleasant smile. Her smile brightens as she continues undeterred. 

        “Your hair is black, your eyes are black, your coffee’s black and even your name’s Black. What is it with you and black?” 

        Raven pinched his eyebrows together as he mumbled into his cup taking a sip, “Family tradition, or something like that.” 

        He walked out of the coffee shop and headed down the street back to the building, pointingly ignoring Claire following close behind. She easily kept up with his pace as she trailed at his side. 

        She walked by his arm as she continued talking to him, “What family tradition?” 

        Raven barely glanced her way as he drained more of his coffee, “You never heard of the Black family?” 

        “I have,” Raven glanced in time to see Claire with a sobering look on her face, “I just never thought I’d meet one here. So you are a part of that family?” 

        He said nothing as they bounded up the steps and creaked the door open saying a barely audible, “Yes.” 

        Before they could walk inside though Henry met them out the door, pulling on a shirt as he strapped his badge and gun on, “C’mon, we got a case.” 

        Claire followed quietly behind as Raven snapped around and followed Henry to the back of the building. They came upon a small parking lot whose care also matched the rundown building. Claire raised an eyebrow as they walked up to a car. 

        “We’re taking a car?” 

        Henry only glanced her way, shoving the straw back into his mouth as Raven stopped and stared hard at her, “Yes. Is that too old-fashioned for the high and mighty mage?” He took a minute to blink and crossed his arms, “And what makes you think you’re coming with us?” 

        Claire blinked, clearly confused, “Well I’m your partner, remember? And this is a joint assignment too, remember?” 

        “Doesn’t mean we need a mage’s help.” 

        Raven walked away before Claire could comment and was startled when Raven got behind the wheel and peeled off. Claire stood there with her hands on her hips huffing at the disappearing car. Inside the vehicle Henry cautiously glanced at an irritated Raven and smiled to himself. It’s not every day he sees Raven so on edge. 

        They zipped through traffic with the sirens blaring going at high speeds. Henry kept a firm hold on the ‘oh-shit’ bar as the scenery blurred by. They finally came upon their crime scene at an old warehouse by the docks. Raven led the way as they got out and walked towards the crowds of people behind the area being sectioned off by electronic caution tape. Raven and Henry flashed their badges at the beam of tape. It beeped as it scanned their badges allowing them passage. 

        Raven stood there studying the victim’s body as Henry went off to talk to the sergeants in charge. He walked over to the body and crouched down, taking in the pungent crisp scent of burned flesh. The body was burnt to charcoal, barely recognizable. Raven tried to get closer, studying the face. 

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