38 Rescue

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        The sun was directly overhead, beating down on everyone as they gathered behind a boulder near the lake on the off chance they had look outs. Other officers sectioned off the park from pedestrians, giving the detectives the space they needed. Everyone was strapping on their protective gear, Claire and Malvina giving each an extra layer of magic protection, just in case. Malvina would stay behind on lookout for anyone who may escape. Claire would lead the way in with Crystal by her side. Raven, Lucy and Henry would follow behind her in that order. Claire quickly strapped on her vest and waved her hand, pulling her gun from the safe back in her loft. Clicks were heard as everyone readied their guns, turning the safeties off.

        Claire turned to group, gathering them in a circle and placed her hand in the center, projecting an image of the building she saw, “This is the building submerged in the water. It’s roughly 3 stories with concrete walls and windows only on the south facing wall. They’re using either Space or Dimensional magic to fold the building within the water, much like Atlantis. I’ll head in first, opening the door and leave it open for others to follow. Malvina, hopefully if there’s a lot of people they’ll see an easy opening and race for it, that’s where you come in.”

        Malvina nodded her head, her magic at the ready when Henry asked a question, “Won’t they notice us when we break in?”

        Claire waved her hand, dispersing the image, “Way ahead of you. Malvina and I weaved a stealth shield in everyone’s gear. We can’t know for sure what type of surveillance they’re using, so the shield hides you from every eye for a certain amount of time. Once that time runs out though it’s only a matter of time before they find you. So it’s in and out, we split up once we get inside. Raven and I will get the girls, Henry, you and Lucy find the culprits and cuff them. Got it? Comms in.”

        Everyone put a small ear piece inside their ears Claire calling, “Comm check.” Everyone radioed in, loud and clear, “Alright. Twins, you in place?”

        The twins were hiding in the crowd around the sectioned off park, looking for anyone suspicious.

        “We’re here Claire-“

        “-loud and clear.”

        “Alright, keep a sharp eye out, we’re going in. Let’s go.”

        Everyone nodded somberly as Claire led them out around the boulder, guns at ready. Malvina climbed on top, casting an invisibility bubble around her, keeping an alert eye on the surface of the lake. Crystal kept close to Claire as they walked to the shore, Claire stopping when they reached it and raised her hand above the water. The water silently bubbled as the surface pulled back, revealing dry steps going down into darkness. Claire motioned her hand to follow and went down the steps, feeling the cold in the air and the immense weight of the water above her head despite the fact that everything within this area was dry as a bone.

        “We’re in.”

        They carefully treaded their way around some rubble, crouching behind the remnants of a stone wall. Four pairs of eyes looked over the edge towards the building, looking for any signs of like. One of the windows on the third floor was boarded up completely. Claire tapped Raven’s shoulder and pointed to the window. Raven nodded his head and motioned to Lucy and Henry to the second floor where a light was on. Everyone nodded when they knew where to go and as quiet as the night the air portrayed around them they stepped towards the building on opposite ends.

        Gravel scrapped on concrete as Claire skidded to a stop, molding herself to the wall behind her as she peeked around the corner. With the coast clear she waved her hand motioning to Raven behind her. Holding her gun down they walked towards the door down the wall, Claire testing the doorknob. It opened with ease and Claire pulled it open, being careful not to squeak the hinges. The door opened and softly clink against the wall, Claire motioning her head to Crystal to lead the way. Crystal lead them up the stairs, all was quiet, everything going well. Suddenly when Claire and Raven reached the landing of the second floor, gunshots were heard within the hallway.

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