27 Acceptance

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        Claire knocked on the door as she creaked it open, “Sam? May I come in?”

        There was silence and Claire poked her head inside, seeing Sam with his head in his hands sitting on the bed. She tipped toed inside and place a hand on his shoulder.

        “Sam? You ok?”

        His shoulders slumped even more as he sighed. He spoke so softly Claire had to lean in closer to hear him, “What’s wrong with me?”

        Claire got on her knees before him, “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

        He kept his face hidden as he mutters, “Something’s wrong. First I killed my mother, now I killed Emily.”

        “Sam? Sam what are you talking about? You didn’t kill anyone.”

        He looked up and Claire almost shrieked at the dead hollow eyes staring into hers, “I killed them. I killed them all.”

        She felt his magic trying to run wild as it took control of the weak boy. She grabbed his hands and squeezed them tight, being firm as she spoke to him, “Sam, Sam listen to me. Listen to me. Sam, can you hear me?” Slowly his eyes focused on Claire’s, “You are not a killer. There is nothing wrong with you. You’re a Necromancer, a mage who lives with the dead. Do you understand?” Some light started to slowly come back into his eyes as he numbly nodded, “Good. Sam, I have a friend. He can help you with the dreams. Remember? The dreams of the black blood.” His eyes became frantic but Claire held him in place as he nodded, “My friend can help you ok? He can help with dreams and with your magic. I promise.”

        The boy she knew as Sam slowly came back into his eyes, “Can he really help me?”

        She smiled as she nodded, “Yes Sam he can. Would you like to meet him? Right now?”

        He looked unsure but finally nodded his head. Claire sent a silent message to Dillon and within seconds there was a quiet knock at the door. Claire smiled reassuringly at the boy as she went to answer it. Dillon walked in and both Necromancers, both old and new, stared at each other as they took each other in. Claire silently tip toed around Dillon, bringing him closer before Sam.

        Choosing her words carefully she gave introductions, “Sam, this is my friend Dillon. Dillon, this is my new friend Sam.”

        The silence grew heavy as Sam stood and stared at the adult Necromancer before him. He looked so defeated as his shoulders stooped and his eyes glistened with tears, “Does it ever stop?”

        Dillon did not need an explanation; he already knew what the boy was talking about. He somberly shook his head, “No.”

        Silent tears trailed down Sam’s face, “Did I really kill them?”

        Dillon thought as he chose his words carefully, “You did not.”

        Sam’s eyes widen as his soul was crushed. Before he could ask any more Claire ran to his side and grabbed his hand, “But, let’s leave the questions until tomorrow.” She turned to Dillon, “I think it’s best if you and Sam be on your way.”

        Sam shook under Claire’s hold, “I have to leave?”

        Claire turned back to him and did her best to cheer him up with a smile, “To meet other Necromancers like you and Dillon. You’ll be with others who share the same dream.”

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