22 Advice

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        Lucy heard Henry punching as she bounded up the stairs. She found him at the sand bag wearing boxing straps on his hands going at it. She leaned back against the corner of the doorway and waited for him to notice her. Finally he stopped and walked to the stool with his towel and a bottle water waiting, panting as he dried himself.

        “Still haven’t talked to her huh?”

        Henry paused as he brought the water to his lips and glanced Lucy’s way. He didn’t say anything as he drained the bottle and walked past her to the showers.

        She followed him into the room, “Come on Tanks talk to me.”

        Henry pulled his shirt off and paused at undoing his pants staring at her, “This is de men’s room.”

        Lucy complied and turned her back to him as she bit her cheek. When they became partners she made it clear that she was a lesbian to get it out in the open and Henry didn’t even bat an eye. Although there were times where he had to remind himself and tried to keep a semblance of a gentleman’s relationship with her, such as now. Knowing she wasn’t going to leave he quickly undressed and stepped in the shower as she talked.

        “I told you what to do. Just pick up the phone and call her.”

        “Yer don’t ‘hink ‘ve tried dat!”

        Lucy bit back a laugh, “And what happened?”

        Henry sighed, “I go blank. E’ry time I ‘ear ‘er voice.”

        They were of course talking of Tessa. Ever since Henry got hit with a freight train when he saw her he’s been head over heels madly in love with her. The first night Lucy and him were partners they went to a bar to talk and get to know each other. That’s when Lucy told him her secret and he spilled his guts about being in love. Lucy then made a promise to him to help him get the girl and she’s tried to get them together but Henry wants to do this the old-fashioned way of courting her, but the poor guy gets so nervous around her he could barely speak. It’s been over 3 weeks now and he’s barely said a word to her. Lucy’s running out of options.

        She sighed into her hand, “Man look, I’ve told you, let me help!”

        The water turned off as Henry grabbed a towel, “I can’t Luce.” He ran his fingers through his wet hair, “I have to rely on myself.”

        He got his pants on just in time for Lucy to spin around, “But you can’t even talk to the girl. Let me take her out, a girl’s night out. I’ll even invite Claire and Malvina.”

        Henry shook his head, “You’ll just try setting us up.”

        “No, I promise I won't. We’ll just girl talk, that’s all.”

        He pulled his shirt and shoes on as he slammed the locker shut, “Girl talk? About what?”

        Lucy smiled a secret smile, “Just girl talk. Boys wouldn’t understand.”

        Henry chuckled, “Fine. No harm in that I guess.”

        “Exactly, no harm done.” Lucy smiled as her phone card rung. She pulled out the thick plastic card and held it to her ear as she answered. She spoke into the phone and quickly hung up, “That was Tess. Says she’s got something for us.”

        Henry furrowed his eyebrows in question, “We don’t have a case with her.”

        Lucy shrugged her shoulders, “All the more reason we should go and check it out.”

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