14 Finishing

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        Abby pushed her glasses further up the ridge of her nose as she waited for the port to open. She straighten her back as she pulled on the straps of her purse. She finally gathered all the papers Claire asked for and instead of simply sending it to her she figured she’ll give it to her herself. A little fresh air never hurt anyone. Her office can survive a few moments without her. Please, more than anything she wanted to see Claire at her new job. The port hummed as she walked in and punched the appropriate codes into the panel. Before she could blink she was transported from the work floor of the Guild to the sidewalks of New York City.

        Abby looked at the building before her up and down. She flipped out a small notebook from her purse and made notes to discuss with the Boss about doing some maintenance on the building. Still scribbling she walked up the steps and stopped as she noticed the cardboard sign nailed to the wall. Reading the long name, she made a quick scribble about petitioning a motion to create a new name. Snapping her notebook close she stepped inside. Within the doors she wasn’t sure what she had expected but the place was certainly underwhelming.

        “Do you have to sit there?!”

        Claire sat on Raven’s desk with Dr. Crawford’s file opened in her lap not paying a lick of attention to Raven growling at her, “I don’t have a desk.”

        Raven graveled as he gestured his hand to the desk beside his, “There’s one right there.”

        Claire looked up, “But it’s taken.”

        “No it’s not!” Raven threw his hands back in frustration.

        “It will be.” Calmly Claire went back to her file but caught a glimpse of Abby from the corner of her eye, “Abby! When did you get here?”

        Claire got up and threw the file onto the neighboring desk, running towards Abby hugging her as they laughed, “I just walked in. Who’s your friend?”


        “Partner!” Claire placed her hands on her hips as she turned to glare at Raven who was reclaiming the space on his desk Claire gave up. Claire rolled her eyes and turned back to Abby gesturing an absent hand to Raven, “Detective Raven Black. Our Captain is David Cogswell and we have another detective but he just stepped out.”

        Abby walked up to Raven’s desk holding out her hand, “Nice to meet you Detective Black. I’m Abigail Schnauzer, Claire’s Handler.”

        Raven looked up and swallowed the retort in his throat as he shook Abby’s hand, “Nice to meet you too. What’s a Handler?”

        “Glorified peeping Tom’s.” Abby smiled at Claire’s remark knowing she didn’t mean her. She turned to Claire as they laughed at their inside joke, “What are you doing here anyways?”

         “Well I wanted to see you in your new element. Plus I also have the information you wanted.”

        “Oh good!” Claire took Abby’s hand and led her into the break room sitting her on the couch, “You want some tea? I brought fresh leaves from my garden.”

        Abby’s smile brightened. Claire always made the best tea from her garden, “Yes, please.”

        Claire quickly went about finding a kettle and cups as she grinded her tea leaves. While she was doing that Abby looked around and studied the room. Claire may have claimed her partner’s desk as part hers but she surely has made the couch her spot judging from the amount of papers stashed everywhere. Abby’s mouth began to water as the smell of fresh brewed tea filled the room. Claire sat down next to her, handing her her cup of tea as they sipped.

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