Part 16

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When i walked out of my room i found the in-charge of this chathiram a humble old person and the one who always treats me with such a care and affection. He was also a cook which means i get to have some extra food for me and that too special one. But now i am beyond in rage. Yet another incident of Dhushyanth being insulted. 

I wanted him to beg for mercy whenever i can get the chance and now i had i am so not leaving him. It was dark. The sainik who messed with my brother was making another mess when he saw Dhushyanth who was taking the food for me. I was extremely exhausted after a secret session of training in the deep forest and few hunting. When Dhushyanth came back to the dorm which we were currently sleeping , his hands were burnt and when i asked him what he just avoided my question. I knew that sainik has some part in making my brother suffer.

Turning to my right i found my brother with his hands hung above the cot to dry the paste of medicine. I wish my vaidharbhi here. She wouldn't have left him to get hurt and if he gets hurt , she would be the one who would make his ears bleed with her yelling at him. She cares for him as her own brother and that at times makes me jealous. She never even looks at my side. Even though i was at fault at times i just wish she cares about me the way she cares about her Rama anna...
Shaking my head i was walking outside for some fresh air where i found the trouble maker who was making my brother's life a living hell. "You have messed with a wrong person sainik. You shouldn't have done that." i mumbled and walked behind him. Tapping his shoulder i waited for him to turn around. I cannot attack from his back. It is never a beauty of a soldier and would never do that. 

When he turned i saw him with my smirk. A straight punch on his face. He was not prepared but who is to be complained ?? Not me ofcourse. He stumbled few feet and ran towards me yelling on top of his voice, which is actually not a good sign of fighting skills. For a soldier you should never make yourself predictable. Before he could blow a punch i stepped my left and he ran side of me and in that i pulled the sword and slashed his right arm. He winced and held his arm with his other arm and looked at me with anger spitting eyes. If only he knows how much angry i am. Smirking i swiped the handle of the sword to hold it properly. Gripping it tight i charged towards him and he did the same to me. 

It was dark and only our grunts and swords tearing of air noise was heard which was easy for me but a bit tough for him i guess. He grunted when i kicked his knee which was slipping the other side. He was yet not giving up. He blew a punch on my face and i knew instantly my mouth was bleeding but who cares. Here there is no Vaidharbhi  here so there is no worries for me. If only she is here i know she would be applying more medicine just to make sure i am burning. I felt goosebumps on my entire body just thinking of the burning feel. Hey matha i was really in pain at that time.  

I spit the blood from my mouth and wiped my mouth with my wrist. Spitting once again i saw him with the utmost anger i had for him. He had messed with my brother and i know the consequence of touching the sainik of a country. They would drag me to the kingdom's darbar (court room) which i am so eager to meet. I have to meet my mama and to say a hello to him. After all he is my mother's beloved brother right. When i punched him one more time he curled on his stomach grunting and i walked to him and threw the sword on the sand where it stood rooted.

"Go say to your beloved king that what ever you sowed is ready to reap and repaying would be really going to cost him huge." with that i walked but my rage was not coming to an end. This guy has hurt my brother the only family i had. With a yelling i rushed to him and punched his face again and again until i made a bloody mess and holding his armor shield i yelled "this is for making my brother suffer. He is my brother and i wont spare anyone who hurts my family." With that i punched him again. Suddenly i was been pulled by someone. Before i can punch him i came face to face with already exhausted Dhusyanth. 

"What are you doing here ??" i asked him in between my grinned teeth. He was looking equally angry. "For one day would you live without any violence. One day ??" he asked him. I just waved my hand from him and walked back to the chathiram. Sighing he walked behind me. We did not speak anything any further. It was just the even breathing sound of us. The next two days went in the blink of my eyes and we were coming back from our regular practice in the forest. Walking back we found the entire chathiram was turned upside down. The old man who was in-charge of the chathiram was been threatened which made me anger again. He was a such a nice person. He would always ask me what i would need. He treats me as if i am his grand son, a grand father i never had and always yearned for. These guys would never learn in good way do they ?? Shaking my head i walked towards them and i intentionally pushed him with my shoulder making one puppet to fall on the floor. "Oh i am so sorry sainik." i acted innocent. Dhushyanth was pulling me the other side but you know my old habit not to say no when someone wants to have a one to one combat with me. He yelled at me and i walked as if i could not hear. 

"If you were really born for a noble family come fight with me filthy coward." he yelled. We stopped. I turned to see the puppet but the hold on my hand was loosened. I turned to my brother who was equally in rage as me. This is the only way to go to the king but in a low profile. Before i can even blink Dhushyanth rushed to him and with the swift move the sainik is on the floor with his sword near the neck. 

"Now say who is born in noble family ??" he whispered in a cold tone. The entire place was wrapped with silence. No one spoke. Everyone thought he was a soft timid man but no only i know how much beastly he was. Out of no where some one knocked me from my behind. Everything was spinning. I couldn't find the source of the blow but i know i was falling. Dhushyanth came running to me but i can see in the half closed eyes that even he was been tackled down. I have to stay focused for Dhushyanth for the promise i made. I struggled hard to make myself awake but the darkness was wrapping me around tight. I failed and i felt some one carrying me and placing me somewhere but all i could see was darkness..


I didn't know how much time it had been but i felt a soft material on my head. I grunted when i felt sudden pain from the back head. It was then i remembered the incident which happened. But only one thing bothered me. My brother. 


I snapped my eyes open and turned to find where i was but the sudden headache which i felt was too much to even sit. "Now now could you go easy on yourself. You are hurting yourself son. Please place your head on the pillow i will call the ayurvathi." came a voice. I couldn't open my eyes but i can feel he was near me. So close to me. 

"My brother ??" was all i could speak. "He is safe, but same as you hurt." came a remorseful voice. I blinked few times and then i could see everything clearly. Two people entered and examined me and spoke to some one who had a sculpted physic. All he did was a nod. I still couldn't see who he was but slowly i rose myself and sat on the silk netted bed which screamed royal. 

Royal palace ?? I saw the person who was sitting in the room where i am with a doubted eyes. He turned and i gasped in surprise and slowly turned to anger. 

Mama (uncle) !?


Finally made it. So so so as we know our country is now in lock down. it is the time we have to stay safe and stay home and help many people who are fighting for us and for our country to make sure we are safe. Let us join ourselves in the prayers and make sure everyone around us are safe.

Until next update now we can hope soon.

Your love...


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