Part 22

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I could never forget what happened today. She was in my arms and it felt as if i was in swarg (heaven). It felt as if i was been blessed by the dhevthas for my miserable being. I smiled , it was after my parent's death i was first time smiling a true genuine smile. I am just waiting for the morning. Dhushyanth was yet to come so was Sangamitra. I knew something was burning in between them. All i just hope is my brother doesn't loose his eye from sangamitra . She has sharp eyes and so good target. I still remember how she threw a sharp knife towards him. If he didn't bent down i knew i would have lost my brother. It was a straight aim to his heart. 

"Hey mahadev let me have my brother." With that i walked inside my house. After so long i felt a small shadow entering inside the house. I sighed and kept my head back to the pillow in which inside my house. After so long i felt a small shadow entering inside the house. I sighed and kept my head back to the pillow in which i was sleeping since i knew that was my brother. But suddenly a giggle made me sit up from my mat. Blinking for few times i confirmed that it was not me or anyone other than Dhushyanth. 

Slowly crawling i found him giggling and throwing his fist up and smiling big. Was he been hit by any rock or any tree trunk ?? Hey Mahadev what has happened to my brother ?? I thought. He saw me as i was near the door and i was like a baby with four legs. He smiled at me which was really lunatic. I was not even fearing about the enemy who took my kingdom but my brother who is smiling at me as if his upper part of his head was been under construction. 

"Dhu...Dhushyanth ??" i whispered at him. He squealed and rushed to me and tackled me on my back. I am now dead. He smiling at me gave me a small kiss on my cheeks. Hey govindh... this guy is not my brother. Pushing him away from me i pulled myself from him. What is his intentions with me ?? Smiling at me even now he sat on the floor and he sighed and saw me. 

"Do you remember long back i went to few villages and i found the future wife of mine but i couldn't go because of the situations that time which turned worst because of the war ??" he asked me and all i did was nod. I remembered many nights he would cry and it was those times i would be there with him. When he cries i would always feel like i should silently go to the village and abduct her and bring her infront of him so that they would get married but no i stopped myself as i knew it would be the first royal wedding and i wanted a big wedding for my brother. So i kept myself in control but everything went chaos after the war. 

"It is none other than Sangamitra..." he mumbled. I saw him with disbelief. So the entire family of mine were in love with the same family girls. But wait if he is Vaidharbhi is his sister then isn't sangamitra is sister either ?? 

"Wait you said Vaidharbhi is your sister right ??" i asked him. He nodded his head like a good calf. "Then isn't Sangamitra your sister either ??" i asked him which made him gasp in sudden thought of being the brother of Sangamitra. 

"How could you say that ??" Vaidharbhi is like my blood sister and Sangamitra is cousin of Vaidharbhi which means she is perfect pathni(wife) of mine." He said with a proud smile. I shook my head and i wanted to tease him more. "But isn't Sangamitra her paternal side cousin ? Daughter of Megnath's brother ?" i asked him. He was out of words. In the culture always they used to give the hands of the daughters' or sons' if they are siblings with different gender which means if my father has a sister his daughter would be my eligible bride just like how my mother's brother asked my hand for his daughter. But here it is different, even though it is not even a matter of fact as he was not born to megnath i wanted to tease him like hell. 

"Could we not speak about this fact please ?? I am the brother of Vaidharbhi and pathi (husband) of Sangamitra" he declared but still his eyes were covered with fear of the fact they are paternal cousins. Smiling myself i walked to him and placed my hand on his shoulder and said "but the fact is you are my cousin who is the son of the king and so our family and their family are not one, so it is not going to be a problem Rama anna.." i spoke in a baby voice and walked away to get some pot of water. Then it dawned to him. 

"YOu...." he yelled. 

"Finally...." i breathed out but i was been tackled by him and we were on the floor while he was on my stomach hitting me on my shoulder. "I almost thought i would never be her pathi. Abhyankara you are one who would kill the other person with words.." he yelled and smacked me again. 

"Did it worked ??" i asked blocking my face with my elbow while laughing at his hitting. 

"It was worst than the naragam (hell)" he yelled which made me laugh hard. He was hitting me and i was all the way blocking my face. I wanted that to save that for my priye. That's how we ended our night with fight of our siblings...







Suddenly i heard a small giggle. I didn't open my eyes but i knew it was early morning. The anklets were singing beautiful song and so was the bangles. I wanted to open my eyes for my queen but i pretended to be sleeping knowing Dhuyshyanth would have started way before me. A small hand was placed on my shoulder and god knows what great punyam (earns) i have done in my previous lives making this sweet devi as my queen. 

"Mukund..." came a small voice. That voice would make me conquer the world and submit that to her feet yet i would not be enough. That hand shook me slowly. It was a lullaby for me. "Mukundh... the sun has raised you have to do your morning sandhi (prayers) so wake up.." she spoke as if i was a baby. I still kept my eyes shut. Slowly the hands caressed my hair. 

"Maaaa.." i whispered. My mother would always wake me up like this. Slowly cooing in my eyes and caress my hair. I lost her yet i found her here. I didn't realise i was tearing up. I opened my eyes slowly to see a teary face of Vaidharbhi. Is she feeling for me ?? Is she crying for my pain. 

Hey mahadev i am now the happiest person on earth. I slowly placed my head on her lap. She was shocked first but slowly she started to caress my hair after getting back her sense. Wrapping my arms around her waist i kept my head on her lap.

"My ma used to wake me up like this." i mumbled while her hand stopped after what i said. I looked up to her with my tears filling eyes. "Will you be my mother Vaidharbhi with me always as a mother to take care of me ??" i asked her not even knowing i was asking her hand. Her hands stopped when i spoke those words without even realising what i was saying. She did not speak and so was i. We were looking at each other. Her once trembling hands were slowly placed on my head. My heart was going to be in million pieces in happiness. She slowly caressed my head and i closed my eyes and held her tight in me. 


Thank god finally made it. Sorry for the late update as my i started for my work. Yes you guys heard me. I have started and as it is like more than a month's work pending everything around me was so confusing i was sitting blankly for an hour to gain myself what the hell i was been doing around march. 

SO here is the next update. I would be trying to write often like 2 to 3 updates a week. I can't promise but i would be doing. So please bare with me if i am giving late updates for some days. 

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Until next udpate...

Your love... 


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