Part 42

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When i rushed outside to join the line, i found the mami (aunty) who was helping me for many days in this royal work. She held my hand and i grabbed her hand tight. She was also living me in the same house but she was always working in the daughter's house of giridharan tha tha. Giridharan tha tha never knew the way i was been treated. 

After coming to this kingdom the smallest amount of peace i had in the forest was also been snatched away from me. My swamy (lord who bought her) would do everything to make me cry. He would at times slap me. At times push me down. It felt so bad. His family which includes his wife and son were equally harsh to me. 

I have to work for them from shubham to sandhya but no food will be given more than two times a day. I would at times store them in a small pot or brass vessel and while cleaning the vessel behind the house i would eat something. I was barely given a decent cloth. The veil which i wear to close my face was always torn. I had two blouse and two skirt. I have to wash them and put them in rotation. They are starting to tear. Many places there are holes but i was not given even the worst cloth they have. They said i am waste of space. I would gulp every harsh word they say just for a thought that some where some where my Mukundh is searching for me and would come to take me away from this narakam(hell).

But the way they are treating me is so worst that i almost tried to jump in the well. But i know Mukundh, my Mukundh will come. He would never give up his words. When we climbed in the bullock cart i felt someone is looking at my direction. When i saw who that was i could find a senak was looking at me but to be precised my body. I tried to shield how much ever i can. If i pull one side to close my legs then the other side of the dress would start to tear up. Some how managing i closed my legs and he saw me. Those eyes were having a raw emotion of a simham (lion) looking at a small mayuri (peahen). I was his prey while he was my predator. 

I held the near by lady's hand. She was called Gowri. But i know it is not her real name. Just like me she was also been kidnapped and infront of her eyes her husband was killed and her daughter was sold else where. She still don't know where her daughter went. Her husband was a weaver. She said her husband was famous for weaving silk cloths and his cloths always has a value in the market. She used to say more stories whenever i felt low or whenever she felt i was so low. She was the only one who was there for these past months but we would never meet in the day time. It is always in the night time after every one goes to sleep  i would go to the back side to find her waiting in the back door. At times she brings me something as she knew the swamy (owner) family would never feed me. 

The senak was not looking else where but to me making me shrink in fear. Suddenly he placed his hand on my foot. I gasped. He chuckled. I tried to pull that away from him but he started to move his hands through my leg. I tried to release myself from him. Even though i was inside and he is walking his hold was tight. "Feisty... i admire that..." he said and took his hand from my leg which was below the knee. I gasped when he placed his hand on my hand. I tried to pull my hand from him but he held my wrist tight. There were many laughter surrounding us. I tried hard to remove myself from him but he held me as a iron hold. 

"How much feisty will this bird be if the veil which is covering her show me ??" he asked and tried to touch my veil. I would rather die than to make him look at me. I pushed him back making him stumble few steps. Before he could even think of touching me i slapped his face. He froze. I breathed hard. My eyes widened and i saw my hand. What have i done ?? I have called the yamaraj (lord of death) for myself. What have i done ??

Before i could even process he held my arm the upper part and pulled me. 

"You are going to pay for this dasi..." he whispered at me. My entire body was trembling in fear. He let me go and i fell on gowri ma's lap. She wrapped me and i held her tight burying myself to her. 

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