Part 34

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Harsh content ahead, too much of blood and mind disturbing contents. Please read at your own risks as it has some fights and things which may not sit right for some. 

So alert for that in advance.



I closed my mouth and held him tight to me. Vamsi was still sleeping which was really god's grace. Every step Kalia takes my heart jumps a beat. His eyes were sharp, his hands were dirty but covered with scars. His nails were all tainted but it was purely with the blood of many lives he has taken. He howls as a wolf making me finch in fear. I made a small voice of fear and held vamsi so tight to me. Vamsi was sleeping peacefully and i would protect my son at any cost.

When i peaked through the window i could see the Kalia now in the middle of the street and slowly the footsteps were increasing. How many are here now ?

"Prabhu.." (lord) they all said and bowed their head and kneeled down. He acknowledged them with a nod. His body was covered with tiger skins and so was the others. They were so harsh looking and their bodies were covered with either tiger's skin or deer's skin. It is said that the one who is wearing tiger skin is someone who is a fighter and the one who is wearing deer skin means they are the subordinates the one who follows the orders. I hid myself from them to notice me. Even a small sound would alert them. The steps were fading and i released the breathe which i was holding for long time. I was about to hold Vamsi but he was not in my lap now. My eyes widened. He is just a deer who is few months old. They will hunt him down and i would be noticed. 

Before i could even call him he screamed on his top of his voice making them halt their walk. My heart stopped. They heard him, they heard us. I rushed outside to pull him to me and when i stepped my leg out of my house i found few shadows growing. Sucking a harsh breathe i pulled Vamsi with his back leg. He tried to make noise but i was successful in pulling him to me but before i could hide i heard those harsh foot steps nearing us. I grabbed Vamsi and rushed to my hide out behind a huge vessel which was hidden and no one can find them. 

Holding him to me i gasped for air but made sure not to make even a single noise. One wrong move our lives will be turned to narakam (hell). "Hey mahadev save my son and me. What will i say to his appa when he comes back home ? He loves Vamsi as his own son. I want my little one to grow into a great deer. I want to see my son grow up not to get perished in these blood sucking Kalias. Save us mahadev. Save us." I thought and held my eyes shut tight wrapping Vamsi on one end of my dress with the extra cloth. Everything around me was so silent. It made my heart to beat faster. I could see few shadows but i made sure i am not moving even a muscle. Vamsi was struggling hard for me to leave him but now this is not the time for me to leave him play. Before we can even know what was happening i heard a crash sound. They were now so near me. They are here inside my house. "Hey Madhusudhana (lord vishnu) save us, please save us." i prayed. Every time something gets broken, the sound would make me to jump and finch in fear and i would gulp harsh breathe. 

Vamsi started to wiggle in my hold but i held him too close to me. He made a small painful tone made me hiccup a cry. He is in pain so was me. We cannot do anything now as i know the Kalias as now destroying everything in my house. Clutching my chain which was my amma's the one Mukundh got me from vihari and praying for my appa to come. Yet another time everything was now silent. But this time the silence was suffocating me. Until now i had no feelings like this i am having right now. Something is about to change. Something is about to change the entire life of mine. I curled myself to the darkest part of my hide out which was nothing but a grain depot of my house. The sound of the footsteps were nearing us and was making me to go to the near end of the room. I know if they find me here i can never survive. 

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