Part 21

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I was crying while Nalan left Dhamayanthi in the deep forest. She had left everything for him but he left her so that she would go back. Who would leave the loved ones in the middle of the forest ?? Why was life always cruel to them. Sniffing i felt a hand holding my hand and squeezing it softly. I turned and saw Mukundh giving me a small smile but it was paining as if he felt i was in pain. My lips trembled and i busted into cry. 

I am never going to watch the puppet show of Nalan and Dhamayanthi ever again. We were walking back home but i still feel the ache Dhamayanthi felt when Nalan left her. Even though they reunited again the way she was been suffering in the forest made me cry. Will i be able to endure the pain if and only if my love would leave me like this and would go away from me and after everything he would come back would i be able to forgive him ?

"Priye this is a story , yes it has happened yes Dhamayanthi suffered but please for the name of Mahadev please don't cry priye  I can never stand by your crying. I beg you would you stop crying for me ??" he asked me in a pleading voice. I sniffed my cry and saw him with teary eyes. He sighed before walking towards me and his hands were opening and slowly they surrounded me. I gasped and never knew what should i need to do. I blinked and blinked and when a hand pressed me to slowly bow to his heart a small sigh escaped my mouth. It was as if i belonged here the very place i am standing the very way i am standing surrounded by his arms around me. I sniffed and sniffed and finally couldn't take any more so i held him tightly and cried hard. 

"He left her , as if thinking this was the best way. Why did he do that ?? How could he do that ?? Why didn't he see if he left she would suffer in the very thought he left her ??" i cried. The purana was so sad. It has it's own morale but they were as powerful as the sad parts of the story. 

" He left her because he thought looking at her who was a queen once but not even a beggar now was killing him. He was helpless. He thought if only he leave her she would go back to her father where she can live a royal life. If only he was not there in her life she would have been a queen of someone or even any devtha but you know love would conquer every odds and that's how they came back together and lived and ruled the country with happiness." He said while rubbing my back. I hiccuped few times until it dawned in me. 

"Is a true love would make us to leave them so that they can be happy ?? I thought love means being with them together always." I asked and looked at him with my eyes which were still having the tears." 

"A love is something which would make us do anything for the other person. You would cross the seven oceans and also seven hills to see their face. Their happiness would matter more to you rather than your's. The way you feel for them would make you do any thing even the worst of all the papam so that they would always be in happiness. Priye you would even make an agni snaan (jumping into the fire) if it means to protect them. He did everything he could to protect her. He will do it again and again so that she will always find the peace which he thought he could give but couldn't give that." 

"Is love has so much power like slogas ??" i asked him making him smile a bit at me. "Yes it has so much power so that when Sita was been abducted by Ravan , Ram killed him to get his love of his life back to him. So yes it is more powerful. It would make a person better for the the one he loves and they would do anything for the other to be with them until they take a last breathe." He stated. 

"Will i ever have that kind of love ??" i asked him and his peacock neck coloured blue brightened in the moon light which made me mesmerise as if it held me in it's dangerous spells and i was looking at them drowning in the ocean of their depth and never once wanted to come out. The way they dance in the milky ocean of his eyes which gives even more sparkle in their orbs makes me beg them to just stay there for me always. 

"It is in front of you..." he said making me blink. Front of me ?? Where ?? I turned to see where but i could find none. Turning back to him where those orbs held me yet again. 

"I couldn't find them..." i said making his dark pomegranate coloured lips make a slight twist as if he is trying not to smile but failing miserably. 

"You will find them in time priye... you will find in time." he said making me nod my head. I tried to get away from his arms but he tightened them. I saw him while he looked down. Even in the darkness, even in the night time, even if there is no light surrounding us , his bronze skin where shining as if they were made of gold. I didn't know why but i wanted to lean near to him. The very thought of hearing his heart's beat was making me throw the shyness and shame of being close to a man and so i closed my heart and leaned on his chest which was having nothing but a simple cotton angavastram. His dagger was always in his waist hidden in his vasthram (cloths). I just leaned more and placed my head on his heart. I could hear them beating in a speed of a tiger which is running behind it's prey. Slowly with trembling hand i placed my hand on his heart near my face and closed my eyes. The wind was blowing smoothly as if they too want to feel us. A small smile was placed on my lips. His hands which were on my waist held tight and one hand slowly traveled to my head and he held me by my shoulder but his fingers were on my head. 

I felt my mother in him. 

I felt my father in him. I

 felt complete in him. 

I felt myself in him. 

Everything which seems to be wrong doing as per the unwritten law seems to be so right when i lean near him.  As if a raga which missed it's swara is now complete. A small painting which is now complete i felt the same when i leaned on him. He held me so tight while i slowly placed my other arm around his shoulder from the back. 

" I will find it right ??" i murmured in his heart. All he did was held me tight which for once in my heart made me answer the question that i will find the love i was looking for. 

Little did i know he is not so far from me.

Is he ??


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