Part 39

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The hope which I had was now turning into a thin stream. Where did I lose my love ? Where am I going to search ? After what i heard from Vihari my hopes were totally shattered. I was so lost as if in the deep forest where there was no marg (ways) seen. I am in between nothing. Sighing, I rubbed my face and stood from my room and walked out. Everything which i wanted to have i had but it is not giving me something i have been seeking for the past two months.

SHANTHI (peace).

The shanthi which I had with my priye is nowhere found in this big rocked palace. This is not giving me a sense of home i had in the sanded hut. Tears were freely falling when i just thought of my priye. Where is she ? Is she safe ? Is she in pain ? Is she ?

Closing my eyes i sighed heavily. "The patrol came back..." came a voice. Dhushyanth...or should i say my priye's Rama anna. I turned to see him who was not in any way near to a better shape as mine. But his eyes were burning with an unknown passion which was not there for past few weeks.

I walked to him and he was not a man in front of me. He was mahadev who is having his rudra thandav in his head to find his long lost sister. "Did you find something ?" i asked in a desperate tone. He held my hand and gave a squeeze. With a single nod he uttered a word "Kalagraham" (jail). My eyes lit up. "What there ??" i asked him while walking or should say running towards the kalagraham. "The one who destroyed the village is been captured." I stopped in dead track. "The entire kalias ??" i asked in an unbelievable tone. I couldn't believe my ears. Those are jackals are really hard to find. They would stay in a place where no one can understand how could a living being live or how to find them. It was because of that we were having trouble in finding these people. But he is dead serious to find her and he searched her for weeks but ultimately found the first source to find her.

The more i walked towards the place the more their screams were heard. It for some reason made my burning heart to cool. It was as if Vaidharbhi is singing neelambari to me to sleep in shanthi. Many were begging for the sena to stop them from torturing. It would have been the same way many , many innocent women's begging for them to stop. Did they stop when those women begged for ? I think not then they will not get what they seek.

I walked towards one chamber where one person was not fighting back or showing any emotions but was as if waiting for someone to give him mukthi(ultimate solace) from his everlasting sufferings. I walked towards him. He saw me and stood on his legs and kneeled on his knees as a respect.

"Maharaj..." came his voice shaking the entire kalagraham. I nodded my head and saw him who stood up but still his head low. "Speak..." came my command.

"It was the idea of our prabhu who wants to get new faces for his pleasure and sell them. As a servant we have to do it but it was not as if some of us wanted to do it. We were slaves for him, a dass. He ordered us to get hold of women and children if they are girls , if they are boys and can withstand the pain then the male children are taken as dass by him. He will make them beg in the streets, make them steal things if they can or sell them as slaves to many. It has been happening for so long. When he steps into any place he would make sure that the place turns into ashes and that's what he did to the last village.

We used to visit the place as a merchant during the market and I know you used to come with a small innocent girl maharaj." he said, mentioning my priye. Within the next moment I was in front of him and held his now blood drenched anga vastram and roared at him "where is she ??" I asked. My heart is burning in a fire which can be calmed down by the only person who has set this up.

He held my hand with his now drenched blooded hand. "when i saw her in the cage. I felt i have to save her. I failed when my premikey(love) was taken away from me but this girl had a life infront of her. I was not heartless to snatch that. So i asked an elderly person who was alone in the outer village of our pradesh (country) to come and buy her so that she will be safe. Somehow someone will find her. But when i went to find them they were not there. I don't know where they are but she is safe until she is with the old person named, giridharan." he said now panting hard.

She is safe....


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