Part 36

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Life can either be a cruse or a boon but it is generally same from the outer perspective. A same situation would be a boon to a person where as a curse to the other. Same was the thing which is happening now. 

When he parted away from his priye he thought he would win the world for her so that they can live in peace. What he has forgotten was he has left her alone all for himself. She is now all alone. He has won the world but he has lost the purpose of life. What is it in the true game of chess where the king stands alone when his queen is not in the game any more. Same was the situation of Abhayankara and Vaidharbhi. 

Today was the day he was going to get his Dharmadesam. His Rajyabhishekam was been prepared in a very royal and happy way. Abhayankara was out of words when he finally brought the dharma to his kingdom. His rajyam which was been snatched from him and now it is his. He walked towards the raj dharbhar for the rajyabhishekam. His heart was swelling in pride. His karthavyam (purpose) was now served. He is going to be the king and in some more days he is going to bring his rani home. His Priye. He had ordered the soldiers to find the village as he knew Megnath would know it was from him. He wanted to gift the entire kingdom for his priye. He smiled thinking what would be her reaction when he reveals himself not as a normal Mukundh but as the Maharaj Abhayankara. He smiled and corrected his anga vastram. From behind the mirror he saw his brother who was smiling at him through the reflection. Abhayankara smiled back.

"You know today i will be sleeping peacefully. After all i have completed my pratigya (vow)." Abhayankara chuckled and nodded his head and turned to his brother and placed his hand on his shoulder. "But for me i won't be at peace until i get my priye here. She should be here with me around the palace commanding me the way she did before." which made Dhushyanth laugh big. Nodding his head Dhushyanth walked away to order the sena to bring back his sister home where she rightfully belongs. But what Dhushyanth has failed to realise that his peace is not going to be restored any time soon. 

Vaidharbhi was still in the wooden cage with the other women. No one spoke as they knew it was useless to mourn or cry as they knew what the fates are going to play with them. She held her hand tight where it had her Mukundh's ring. She always had them with her. She knew if they came to know she has some jewel they would steel that away from her so she tied them in her vasthram. A small sob escaped her mouth when she thought of her Vamsi whom she placed tight in the same vasthram. She cursed the karma as why she has to suffer when she did nothing wrong. Why is her father to be killed in front of her eyes. Why these women to be molested infront of their husbands and kill them ? 

Why ??

WHY ??

A tall figure came towards her cage making her squirm in the corner of the cage. He opened the cage and when he walked towards her she then noticed only she was there alone in the cage. Her breathing was heavy. She held her hand in front of her body to shield herself from any humiliation which is going to be thrown towards her. "I am not here to hurt you." came a harsh voice making her jolt in fear. It has been days since she heard anyone speaking. Her dress was almost torn. Her hair was been cut as a symbol of slaves. Her skirt was torn either but she held them tight as her dear life. She knew he was here to hurt her but in a different way. Build her heart with hopes just to break them. He knelt infront of her and she hid her face in between her knees and a sob escaped her. He sighed and placed a small guava in front of her. "Here eat it." he said in a soft voice making her look at him through her teary eyes. She shook her head in a fear what if he is going to play some sick games of pulling the fruit from her. "I promise i won't hurt you. You look like someone i once cherished precious. But she was long gone. I am going to make you free from here but for that you have to do as i say." He said with a stern voice making her gulp in fear. She could not help but just nod her head. 

Placing the fruit on her knee he eyed her to eat them. She nodded her head and with a shaky hand she took the fruit and took a bit. It had been so many days since she had something to eat. With a hiccup she took another bite. He saw her with soft eyes looking at the broken fragile girl infront of him. He knew they were cruel but she reminded him a girl he fell in love with but was brutally molested and killed. He was helpless and he as always like other time kept his mouth shut. The disappointment in her eyes haunted him and will haunt him until he takes his last breathe. So he would help the helpless captives without being noticed but the prabhu (head of their group) so his atma gets some shanthi (peace) which he did not give to the love of his life. His premike. He walked out once he found she completed the fruit. He did not turned to her but stood there outside the cage's gate and said in a stern voice. 

"Be ready child you will be sold tonight and it will be in good hands. But for that you have to trust me. I will come to get you tonight. So do as i say to escape from here. One wrong step you will be in the hands of the greedy molester." He said and walked away making her breathe labor. She has saved herself from them by getting many beatings from them just to be for her Mukundh. But this is something big for her. She has no one to guide what should she need to do. She has no brother who would hold her hand to say he is there for her and no Mukundh for her to say that he will beat anyone who would hurt his priye. She just prayed her mahadev to give her strength to face whatever it is going to thrown in front of her face. 

The night came but nothing happened. Every ticking second made her scare the soul out of her. It was at bramha murutham (before sun rise) the gates were opened and her breathe was laboured. He was the one who gave her fruit but the one who would hit her for his leisure. He held her forearm tight making her scream in pain. "Please leave me..." she begged but he held her to his face and saw her with lust. His black lips and shady tooth made knots in her stomach which would make her vomit any minute. Before he could do anything a harsh noise made them halt. The man who gave her the fruit. She breathed in relief. "Prabhu is calling you Anga. Go i will take care of this." he spoke with in between his teeth. Anga nodded his head and turned towards Vaidharbhi. "Not so soon dhasi (slave) soon i will have my ways for you." with that he left her hand making her stumble few feet and when she saw her savior she didn't think twice but rushed to him throwing herself to him. He saved her fed her and now she can trust him. He held her as if she was his daughter. She cried hugging him as if it is her dear life. 

He patted her head and apologised for being late. "Come it is time. I will hold your hand but not harsh as no one should doubt us."

She just nodded her head and walked with him. Many people were surrounded and the auction for slaves are started. She closed her eyes and thanked the devthas even after this worst situation she has good thing in her life.

She was branded slave and was pushed in the front of the place. A old kind person picked her as his slave. All the kaliyas were teasing her as she has to satisfy his needs. She closed her eyes and tears were flowing when she was seen as a piece of meat not as a human. She saw the face of the old man and he smiled at her as a grand father would smile. She turned to see her savior. He nodded his head. She said her gratitude through her eyes.

In the other end of the same kingdom Abhayankara was been walking towards the raja sabha where he is been walking as the raja.

She walks down with teary face and he walks up with a proud face. They are not same now. Not after now.

He is maharaj.

She is dasi.

He is the top of his kingdom


She is the bottom line of the kingdom.

He is to be looked upon


She is a symbol of humiliation.

They were not same not any more.


Finally made it. I am extremely sorry for not updating it. Work was too much and my dead lines were killing. Work from home and at times i have to rush to my office. I hope i made justice for the wait.

Will udpate soon. Will make sure of that.

Until next update...

Your love...


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