Part 19

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I was sitting next to Vaidhabhi while she was lulling the little fawn in her hand. She would give him something to eat, would bath him, would speak with him and would play with him. But still that little guy would come back to me to sleep near my feet as if that is his safe place. I would just scratch behind his ears and that would be a paradise to him. Smiling at that i slept with him. I felt peace which i never felt in these months. 

Vaidharbhi was happy or to say excited for the upcoming village festival which she was eagerly waiting for. She said smiling at me when i asked why was she happy she said there would be many puppet shows , fire works and much more things which she was listing and i would just stare at her. Her sandalwood skin would glow whenever she walks in the sun. Her slow yet beautiful walk towards me. I would just sit and watch her while she carries the pots and would smile at the little one running between her legs. How would it be while she is in the palace and this little one grown up with my prince and princess surrounding their mother who would love to smile at their tactics and would look at me with the love like the way my mother would look at my father. 

How much i would die to watch her smile like that. Hey mahadev please bless me with the wish of making my Vaidharbhi the queen of my kingdom. Taking a deep breathe i walked out for the first day of the festival. It is going to be around 15 days itseems. I have never seen Vaidharbhi practically glowing in happiness in these months. Megnath would be performing many yagyas for the deities for thanking and for the blessing to be continued. It was a kind of yearly rituals and i loved it as it was the festival in kingdom and this time i have no one other than Dhushyanth. When i turned to my brother i saw him practically fuming in anger. I turned to see Vaidharbhi walking out of her house and infront of her was her sister who i know had a small liking towards my brother. When i saw Sangamithra was happily speaking with a fine young man. I think he is also a farmer. She smiles at him while he was looking at her with a small smile tugged in his lips. I know there was something going but never thought this would be this big. Vaidharbhi turned to see us and her eyes instantly lite up with a small smile she rushed towards us. For one minute i felt she is coming to me but my heart was crumbling in disappointment. She rushed to her brother not to her friend that is me. 

I walked front and stood near Sangamitra and turned to see Dhushyanth literally shaking in anger. There is something going between them i think. She saw me and nodded her head. Vaidharbhi walked with us and i can see Dhushyanth was holding her hand while she was jumping and speaking with him with the tales of her festival and he gave her the entire attention which she wanted. I smiled. Their relationship was pure as a mother and daughter. He is the mother she never had and she is the sister he lost. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled and nodded her head. 

Suddenly Vaidharbhi suddenly held my hand and she walked as if they were not there. "Where are we going ??" i husked in her ears. She shushed me keeping the finger on her lips. She turned to the other side and pointed at some one. Turning i saw my brother and her sister practically yelling on each other. She rolled her eyes and walked with holding my hand. I saw our fingers being held with each other where they royally belong. 

Smiling at her i was walked to the first puppet show. Sitting in the ground i saw her smiling at the puppet show. There was a story of king Nalan and queen Dhamayanthi who were in love. They were away from each other but their love was strong even without looking at each other. She was smiling , laughing and crying when they were been separated but she would be never let her eyes from the screen. How much i wish to have that kind happiness which they had. 


Should i be angry ?? Should i be happy ?? I felt nothing. I felt nothing but a pure rage. I know i made a mistake but she is not even giving me a chance to explain why i did that to her, to us to be specific. Turning i found Sangamitra wiping her tears from her eyes. How much i wished to wipe them away and hold her the way i always wanted to and just say, " apologies my queen i was not there for you but now i promise to be with you forever." But she never hears me. Never did before and now not even thinking of it. 

She saw me with pure anger. She was keeping herself away from me. Why do i deserve her hatred so much ? Why can't she just listen to me for just a minute ??

"Mitra..." i tried to speak with her but she just shoved her hands from my grip and walked away towards the very end of the festival arena. I had enough of her anger. I pulled her by her hand and walked towards the dark forest so that we won't get caught. She yelled punched even screamed but i am not going to leave her not. Not now, not ever. 

"Could you leave my hand ??" she yelled holding the tight hold on my hand which was holding her other wrist. Pulling her in front of me she came rushing towards my chest. Her head dashed on my chest. She snapped her head and saw me with anger. 

"For once in your life i want you to listen. I know what all i said to you when we were in your village was not true but one thing which is true was the feel i had for you. I still have that Mitra. You are the one i always felt for and i would do anything to prove that i am sorry for making you suffer with my lies." 

"I think you and your brother have the same thought right. Hurt me and my sister. I can hold that in my heart the hurt i got because you were there one day but the next day you disappeared as if you were not even there in the first place. But my sister she is fragile. A flower who blossomed in this cruel world. She is so soft and she thinks you are a person who can be trusted but how can i say the one she thinks as a brother she never had was the one who broke the heart of her beloved sister ?? How can i say you were the one who i thought meant the entire world to me just disappeared and never came back and suddenly was sitting inside the house of my sister and she calls him as her brother." She said in a breathe but what she never knew was she was crying. She was broken because of me. 

I still remember how we met. Sangamitra was living in the village near to my kingdom. When i was planning to travel for some time away from my kingdom to know how the other part of the kingdom was i stepped into her village. Making myself as the traveler i started to know more about her. She was a woman who can make any man to fall on his feet for her single glimpse but she saw me. We used to have our sudden to her but intentional meeting in the river banks, near the temple or even near her house. She would always smile at me and i would do anything to keep that smile. But when i had been called by the king i couldn't do anything but to rush to the palace. I never had the time to say my good bye to her and i know she felt betrayed. I felt miserable and i couldn't do anything at that time. And when after two years when i saw her i was out of words but she was not the sweet innocent woman i know. She turned harsh way more anger than i can say. 

"What should i do to make you understand i am ashamed of myself for what i did to you ??" i asked her in a pleading voice. 

"Then don't show your face to me. For me you are just a mirage of my innocent life. You are a betrayer of my heart and it will stay as that for the very end of my life." 

That tore my heart in pieces. She thought i would give her the very thing she is longing for. But she is so wrong. Holding her hand and walking towards her with a slow steps towards her. Her teary eyes were wide in fear ? I couldn't read them but she has to get one thing straight that i am not going to let her go not this time. 

Pulling her to me making her stumbled again. 

"I am sorry for leaving you, but i am not sorry for loving you mitra. I will make you mine as i am not good in words but in action. You are been born for me, only for me." With that i pulled her towards the festival streets while she was walking with me with her mouth closed tight. 


Finally made it.. Sigh.. So how was it. I am sorry for not typing it. I will do it better to write more frequently. 

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Until next update hopefully soon.

Your love...


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