As Friends

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As friends, you both are actually quite close. Despite him always calling you 'Pet' and Ava 'Prisoner', and his usual rudeness, he's actually easy to comfort. Who knew he'd let his guard down around you? Let alone so fast?


As friends, you two would be lazy together. You recently admitted your sexual orientation, and she was fully accepting of you. You would find yourself having fun, dancing when she has her surprising bursts of energy, but mainly watching and re-watching anime. Initially, Ava was the big anime nerd, but soon you found yourself having little trivia points for some of the anime you'd both watch.


Two words: chaotic energy. You and Leif would be practically attached at the hip to each other. Maybe partly because to them, you were a powerful sorceress. You love hanging out with him. You two even play fight. You both also love to cause mayhem.


As friends, you two actually act like a couple, he'd even hold his hand if he seems nervous, and he cuddles you whenever you need it. He was the first and only one(other than Ava) to know that you're half daemos, so he feels special every time you're (f/c) horns and even your outfit that was more for someone on daemos(you can decide the outfit tbh XD).


As friends, you two are comically much like Noi, like a couple. For him, it means he sticks with you, helps you with anything that involves height (idk why but I imagined him being 6'10 XD), and even being emotional support for each other. Pierce still wants to court you though, even though you taught him how humans court in this day in age.


As friends, you two are...weirdly touchy. He loves to pet you, especially your tail, causing you to purr and blush, while you like messing with his hair, though he always blushes like crazy once you accidentally pet his horns. Other than that, he loves asking you questions about earth, about being part "spirit", and even flat out about yourself. You of course love to ask about him as well.

My Inner Demons Boyfriend/Girlfriend scenarios(Requests closed)(mini hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now