Seeing You Cry

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(Sorry if this one's bad T-T)


You were staring at your phone, in total shock. You were just fired. Not even laid off, flat out fired. Why? A rumor about you...doing indecent things with your manager that were very much not true surfaced. Who went and spread those rumors? Your ex-manager's ex. You loved your job too, so losing it stung big time for you. You were so stuck in your thoughts, you didn't hear Acsh enter your apartment.

Once he called out to you, you panicked. You decided to hide in your bed, and faked being asleep. Acsh soon came into your room, and saw your 'sleeping' figure. He walked over and tapped you. Princess (Y/N), wake up." He commands. "...Please..." He adds. You 'wake up' and smile at him. "Hey My Prince-" "What happened?!" He saw your red and puffy eyes, along with your tear stained cheeks. "You could tell? Fine, I got fired. Remember when I was sick? ex manager was too...his girlfriend figured it had to be no coincidence that we took time off at the same time. My manager was cheating, but since his girlfriend never met or seen me...they pretended she was me..." His eyes widen for a moment, before growing furious. "Well I can confirm your real location, along with my men and Ava." He says.

You shake your head. "Don't's never a good idea to go back to a job when it was a false scandal that caused the chaos." "But I remember you saying how much you loved-" "You can't have everything in life Acsh. I'll be fine." You say, with a soft smile. He sighs and nods. "Fine. Do you...need anything?" He asks. You nod, and hold out your arms. "A nice hug please." You mumble, almost embarrassed. He blushes slightly at your cuteness, and gets in the bed and cuddles you. Man, you needed that.


Why is life so unfair? (F/C)(fave character) from your favorite anime, died a brutal and bitter death. You were balling your eyes out. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! Well, Ava seemed to have heard you, so she came in and rushed over to you, worried. You explained what happened, and she teared up a little. "Nooooooooooooooo!" She whined. You both spent the day crying over such a tragic death. (I had an idea then lost it XD)


You had gotten hurt, again. And it was your fault, again. "And what have we learned?" The officer asked you, as if you were a child. "Don't try to get cat's out of trees without knowing how to get back down myself..." The officer seemed pleased, and walked off. You maaaaaaaaaay have fell out the tree, didn't break anything, but you twisted your ankle, and it was bad enough to make you cry(my ankle is still recovering from the number of times I hurt my ankles T_T) you see Leif run over and carry you to where he called home for the time being, Ava's apartment. You explained what happened and of course he yelled "I wanna kill him!" You sigh and giggle softly, he had a victory smile. "You don't need to, he didn't hurt me." You explain. "I hurt my ankle getting into the tree." You added. He sighs and nods, then wipes your tears away.


You were in an argument with Rhys. He discovered your secret, and was really close to telling the others. You were having a lot of trouble calming down. You...hated to even imagine this happening. Nearly broke down thinking about it. "N-no p-p-please....I don't w-want t- to die..." You choked out. Rhys sighs softly. He knew if Acsh knew, he'd see you as either a traitor, or would try to use you for your power. "Alright, I won't tell him. Who else knows?" "N...." You were breaking down, quickly. You were reduced to violent shaking and crying. "N...? You mean-" "(Y/N)!" Noi shouts from the opening of her door. He runs over to you and hugs you, while trying his best to keep his cool. (I know it's not the best approach, but I can only write from experience, I was the one crying in that situation) Rhys was surprised, seeing Noi calm in this moment. He realized how close you two were to an extent. "I'll leave now, I really do apologise for all this (Y/N).


(This is before you two get together) Here you were, outside your favorite cafe, sitting on the curb. You watched a guy you liked even before you met Pierce, propose to his girlfriend. You never knew he had one, so this stung. Even if you were almost over him. The happy couple walk out and see you, you congratulate them with a fake smile. You saw how happy they were together... You two chatted for a bit, before Pierce came. The happy couple left and you kept the fake smile. "What happened?" He asked. "The two I was just talking to, they're engaged...!" You say, as a tear escapes. He noticed right away, and pats your head. "W-what are you doing?" "Go ahead." was all he said. You nod and finally let your happy facade shatter, and you hugged him. He hesitates, before you wrap his arms around you. "Hugs help people you care about feel better emotionally..." You explain simply. He nods and holds you close to him, and goes back to petting you. You blush slightly, and smile. You were glad you fell for Pierce.


"OOOOWWWW!!" You screamed out. Why? A little kid who hasn't quite learned about asking before grabbing...much less pulling. So your sensitive tail has been thoroughly yanked, and now you were crying. Rhys, who wasn't too far ahead of you, ran up to you and bombarded you with questions. "K-kid...pulled...t-tail...." You managed to get out. He was glad you told him how your tail was like his horns. Needed, yet so sensitive. He picks you up, being careful of your agitated tail. The rest of the day was spent with him eating ice cream, feeding you some, and keeping you preoccupied enough to keep the pain out of mind.

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