You In Daemos Horns And/Or Clothes

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One word: SHOOK. He was wondering where you got those horns from, and how you look so good in it. "How do I look?" You ask, slightly embarrassed. "You look...beautiful..." he looked as if he fell in love again. You giggle and kiss his cheek. "Good, I was scared I looked dumb or you'd find it insulting..." "why would I?" "Because...I actually don't know." You both end up chuckling and proceed to show off this outfit.


"Aaaaaaand done!" You hear Ava say, and you open your eyes. You gasp at how good they came out. "Whoa Ava! These are amazing!" You say, and turn around to see her matching with her own horns. "Good thing I made these outfits yesterday too." You add, earning a nod from her. You smile and kiss her nose. "Let's go confuse the boys." You suggest, earning a smirk from her. "Yes, lets." You two proceed to freak and confuse the Daemos.


"WHYYYY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT!?" You hear from your over dramatic boyfriend. "Because I was curious. Do I...look dumb...?" You say, now a little worried. "No, you look so amazing!" He says and laughs. You sigh in relief. "I could possibly get away with being on daemos for a little bit!" You joke, and he surprisingly caught on and laughed as well.


He sees your true self very often, lolz. The first time was within your first week of dating. You were taking a shower and since you were used to the privacy, you let your daemos horns be visible and cleaned them as well. You were blushing a bit but you quickly turned pale hearing an all too familiar voice yell "YOU'RE A DAEMOS!?"it was your adorable boyfriend, Noi. You panic and scream, causing him to run out.

You finish and change, and walk over to the obviously confused Noi. "I guess you want an explanation?" You ask, causing him to jump, then nod. "I'm only half daemos, hence why I'm the height of one. My father was a daemos, my mother was a human. We were used as experiments, since halflings are rare, if not near myth." You explain simply, and he nods. "You can't tell the other daemos, as far as they know, I'm supposed to be dead." He nods. "(Y/N)?" "Yeah?" He suddenly looks very nervous. "C-can I see your horns m-more often?" You blush and giggle. "Sure Noi!"


"Why do you have horns on?" "They are fake ones! I was just curious on how I'd look." There was a short yet comfortable silence, before he spoke. "You look cute..." he says, with a slight blush. You blush as well and smile. "Thanks Piercy!" You say. He then pats your head, earning a happy girlfriend.


"And done." You hear Rhys say, and you look in the mirror. You gasp. You had horns and a whole new outfit. "Thank you Rhys~Senpai! (Y/N)~Chan has always wondered what she'd look like as a daemos!" You giggle and hug your boyfriend. He chuckles and hugs you back. "I'm glad you like it. You look really pretty too Kitten." He says and you giggle. You looked back and realized your ears and tail were still there. "Can we go over to Ava~Sama's home and show the others?" You ask. He nods. "If you wish to (Y/N)~Chan." You then confuse the daemos and was a happy bab.

My Inner Demons Boyfriend/Girlfriend scenarios(Requests closed)(mini hiatus)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora