11 | lingerie and goodbyes

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I woke up to a low growl. Sitting up in bed, I rubbed my eyes and looked to where the sound came from. I saw Adrian stood at my door, his grip on the door handle so tight I was scared it would break. "Adrian, what are you doing here?" I whisper yelled.

He wasn't paying attention to me though, his was looking at something below, his eyes darkening as his wolf was trying to take control. I looked down and saw Blake's arm wrapped around my waist as he lay asleep.

My eyes widened, as I carefully unwrapped myself from Blake and climbed out of bed. Jess was fast asleep on the other side of my bed, dangling off. Her sleeping positions never failed to make me laugh. But if I laughed now, Blake would be angrier than he clearly was.

"Why is that mutt in your bed?" Adrian growled, with accusation in his tone as his eyes darkened. I rolled my eyes, as I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the closet with me. Sparks spread across my whole arm and I quickly retracted my arm as if he'd burned me. He looked at me with wide eyes, which I chose to ignore. I walked to my closet with him following behind; the only indication being the sparks that spread on my back from our close proximity. I closed the door behind us and switched the light on.

"What the hell is your problem, huh?" I questioned him, as I shoved him back ignoring the butterflies in my stomach from our close contact, "Who are you to barge into my room like that and question my sleeping arrangements" I said, taking a step closer to him after each word. His scent surrounded me and my wolf purred in pleasure.

Suddenly, he grabbed me and swapped our positions, so my back was against one of the shelves and his face was dangerously close to mine, "I'm your mate, Skylar! Seeing him in bed with you and smelling his scent all over you is driving me crazy" he growled, his breathing ragged. Hearing my name come from his mouth caused pleasure to build up, but now wasn't the time to think about that.

I started laughing. Like full on laughing, with tears threatening to come out. He looked at me as if I'd grown another head. "Oh my Goddess,", I wheezed as I bent down with my hands on my knees, "you're jealous aren't you" I said between laughs. "He's my best friend, Adrian. I've known him my whole life"

"Say it again" he said, his voice husky and I could smell desire, radiating from him.

"Blake is my best friend?" I said unsure,  with my brows furrowed in confusion.

"No, my name. Say it again" he said, as he closed his eyes and leaned his arms on either side of my head.

"Adrian" as I said this, his eyes opened and they were a darker shade of brown. I gasped, as his wolf stared back at me, "Look, um this is not the best time for this, stop that" I said., trying to keep my voice level. Seeing his wolf made me nervous because I don't know how long I could keep Sapphire in. She was clawing at me to come out and meet her other half.

He closed his eyes and shook his head and when he opened his eyes again, they were back to their usual bright, brown colour.

As he was looking at me, his eyes moved to something behind my head and he smirked. What was he doing? He moved to the side and picked something up from behind me.

I turned around to see what he was up to and the sight I met caused my cheeks heat up. He was holding up a black lingerie set that I hadn't packed on purpose. Jess gifted it to me on my birthday but it was too revealing. He raised his eyebrows, suggestively and started laughing at how embarrassed I was.

"Don't touch my stuff!" I snatched it off him, while he smirked, and stuffed it into my suitcase that was on the floor, too mortified to say anything. Then, I pulled him out of the closet. Thankfully, Jess and Blake were still asleep.

"Go! You're going to wake them up" I whispered, pushing him towards the door before he could say anything.

Once he left, I had a shower and wrapped myself in a towel, walking towards the closet. I had left out an outfit for today as well as some clothing for in case I came to visit. I changed into a short sleeved top with some black jeans, paired with booties. I dried my hair and plaited it back so it wouldn't get messy during the long drive.

When I came out of the closet, Jess and Blake were both awake. "Good morning guys, let's go down and have breakfast" I said.

"Our last breakfast together" Blake said, looking at me with a sad smile. I couldn't help but feel upset at this. These guys had been my best friends since forever and I saw them every single day. What would I do without them?

"Cheer up guys, let's make it count!" Jess exclaimed, as she pulled us both in a group hug.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw mom, dad, Liam, Bethany and Adrian sat at the table. Jess sat next to Bethany and Blake sat between Liam and my dad, leaving me to sit between mom and Adrian. I couldn't help but frown. I would miss waking up to my family.

"It's okay, Sky. Stop frowning, we'll call everyday" Liam reassured me, through mindlink. I looked up at him and smiled. I would miss our pointless fights over the remote or food.

I felt a hand on my knee and sparks spread from his touch. I looked to the side to see Adrian, looking at me and smirking. I tried to push his hand off my knee, but he grabbed my hand instead. "Stop it" I whispered but he wouldn't listen.

I tried to pull my hand, but his grip was too tight. I decided to ignore him while I finished breakfast, leaving my hand in his.

"Adrian and Skylar, come with me to my office" my dad said, when we finished breakfast.

We nodded, and followed him to his office. I had a feeling the meeting was about my departure. Dad sat behind his desk while Adrian and I sat on the chairs across from him. I ignored Adrian's intense gaze on the side of my face.

"This meeting is about Skylar's healing abilities" dad started, which caught my attention. Dad had told Adrian?, "Skylar has only known for a few days so we haven't had the chance for her to train with the pack oracle"

"That's okay, we have an oracle at BloodMoon. I can arrange for Skylar to receive training from her." Adrian replied while looking at dad. He was acting like I wasn't even in the room!

"It can't be that hard, why do I need to be trained?" I questioned my dad.

"Sweetheart, it isn't easy being a healer. There's a lot you need to learn" he finalised as I nodded, "Now, come here and give your old man a hug. I'm really going to miss you."

"I'll miss you more" I stood up and almost ran in to his arms, as he stood up. I hugged him tightly, as if my life depended on it. I had always been a daddy's girl, everyone in the pack knew. I didn't even realise tears had began falling from my eyes, as I thought about how much I would miss him. I noticed Adrian looking concerned as he noticed me crying, his jaw clenched. This was all his fault! He could wait until I was ready to leave.

"It's time to go, the car's waiting outside" he said, with an emotionless expression on his face. He was so insensitive! Couldn't he see I was hugging my dad?

"Come on Sky, you need to say goodbye to the others too" dad said, as he walked towards the door. I followed him to the front door, with Adrian right behind me. I noticed my suitcases had been bought downstairs and everyone was waiting for me, with sad expressions.

"I'll miss you all so much" I said as I hugged my family, friends and pack members. I cried some more, but almost everyone did because we were all very close in this pack.

Adrian put my suitcases into the back of a shiny SUV car and opened the door for me. I sat into the car and he went round and sat on the other side. There was a blonde haired guy, who looked of high ranking in the passenger seat, beside the driver. I turned to see my family and waved at them as the car drove away from my home.

"Hello Luna, my name's Jaxon, I'm Adrian's Beta." the blonde haired guy said, as he turned around and put his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand and smiled, "It's to meet you and call me Skylar"

I put my earphones in and opened a playlist on Spotify, as I closed my eyes. I decided to ignore a certain angry wolf, sitting right next to me, for the duration of the journey.

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