17 | apologies and oracles

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"Skylar, wake up" I woke up to see Adrian shaking me awake, sparks spreading up my arm.

I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes and looked at him questioningly. I glanced at the clock to see it was 12pm. How had I slept in for so long? I must have stayed up, waiting for Adrian, till really late.

"You have a meeting with the pack oracle, Isabelle, after breakfast," he said, as he walked towards the door. I noticed he was already dressed. How hadn't I woken up to him coming into the room?

"Wait, Adrian." I called out to him. Now was my chance to make things right. Last night I had stayed up thinking about Adrian. About myself. About us. We needed to sort things out between us. How long would we stay like this, unable to have a conversation without lashing out on each other? He turned around and looked at me "I...um. I'm sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean to make you so angry. I shouldn't have ran away. I'm sorry for leaving. I won't do it again. I promise" I said, playing with my hands.

He walked to the bed and sat down, lifting my chin up "You don't need to apologise, Skylar. I'm sorry for how I acted. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that." He looked at my arm where he'd held me yesterday and touched the area where it was bruised and frowned. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I couldn't control my wolf."

"It's okay Adrian." I don't know why, but I hugged him. He was definitely not expecting it because he was stiff at first, but after a few seconds he hugged me back. I suddenly felt a whirlwind of emotion and couldn't help but spill my feelings "I don't like how much we argue everyday. I hate how we sleep separately every night and barely talk to eachother. I don't mean to disrespect you. It's just my wolf and I hate to be shouted at, so I defend myself and obviously you, being an Alpha, dislike being disrespected. So, can we perhaps try and act civil and sort things between us because we're mates and we shouldn't be acting like this." I rambled, before letting go of Adrian and looking at him. He made eye contact with me and smiled. He smiled at me! And honestly it was the most beautiful smile ever.

"Me neither Sky. I hate to see you upset because of me. I'm scared of this feeling. I've never cared for anyone after my mother. But I've started to care about you. I'm not used to showing emotion but you bring this side out of me. Yesterday, you really scared me. What would have happened if we'd reached a little later. You know what? Let's go on a date tonight after we've met the oracle. Just you and I. We can get to know eachother." he suggested. I noticed his face fall when he mentioned his mother. Had she died? I haven't seen or heard about her so perhaps she was. What happened? How had she died?

"Yeah, that would be great" I said, with a smile pushing all my unanswered questions away. Now wasn't the time to ask him.

"Hurry up and get ready. I'll be waiting downstairs" he quickly kissed my cheek and left the room, closing the door on his way out. I touched my cheek and could still feel the sparks from his lips.

As I got ready I couldn't stop smiling. I hadn't felt this happy in days. I wore a sundress because the weather looked beautiful outside. It landed just below my thighs and I paired it with some cute sandals. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed the bruises and scratches. Before I could realise what I was doing, I touched the bruises and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I saw light behind my closed eye lids and gasped. I quickly opened my eyes and noticed the bruises and cuts had gone. How had I done that?

I walked downstairs to the dining room and everyone was at the table.

"Good morning everyone" I greeted, as I sat next to Adrian.

"Good morning Luna" they all answered. I still wasn't used to this Luna thing, but I probably would get used to it soon.

"Good morning Sky" Adrian served me breakfast before serving himself then everyone else helped themselves. "Thank you" I smiled at Adrian and he smiled back at me. I made eye contact with Amelia and she raised her eye brows suggestively, while looking between Adrian and I. She gave me a look that said tell me everything and I nodded discreetly, before continuing to eat my breakfast. Once we were done, Adrian caught everyone's attention "Skylar and I will be meeting with the pack oracle" then motioned for me to follow him.

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