40 | darkness and realisation

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Darkness. That's all I could see and feel. Everything was dark. I could make out conversations around me but was unable to say or do anything. I couldn't move. It felt like my eyes were taped shut and I was tied down. All I could do was lay there and listen to what was going on. Adrian always came and talked to me. He would always tell me that he loves me, that he was hoping I could hear him, that I'm strong and I will come back to him. No matter how hard I tried to move or talk, I couldn't. I wanted him to know I could hear him. So bad.

"Skylar, your parents are here. We're all here for you, waiting for you to wake up. Your wounds are mostly healed and the babies are doing well. I miss you, angel. Come back to me." he said. I heard his voice crack at the end and I felt him kiss my forehead. Tears fell on my bare arms. Wait, how was I feeling this? I mustered up all the strength I could gather to try to get up. I tried to move my body, but it was difficult. I pushed harder and harder. I needed to wake up. I needed to see him. My love. I'd missed him so much. I missed being in his arms, I missed his touch.

Light began to seep through my eyelids, as I tried to open them. I managed to pry my eyes open and light surrounded me. I saw Adrian sat at my side, his head leaning on my chest. I felt a sharp tug at my heart as I heard his quiet cries. I wished to do nothing but hug him, so I moved my arms and put them around him. He leaned into my touch for a second, before quickly pulling away and looking at me in shock.

"Skylar, you're - you're awake?" he said, as a big smile made it's way onto his face. Oh how I'd missed his beautiful face. He looked tired, as if he hands slept in days. Had he been by my side all this time? I tried to speak, but my throat was too dry. He frowned at this before quickly filling a cup of water and putting it to my mouth. I gratefully drank it all up, the liquid soothing my parched throat.

"Oh Adrian. I love you so much." I said, as tears fell from my eyes. I sat up and noticed I no longer felt any pain. Adrian's eyes followed my actions, as I moved the blanket from my body and looked over my body. My injuries had healed. My eyes fell to my bump and I cried harder. My babies had grown so much. My hands held my bump, as I looked up at Adrian.

"I know, my love. Our babies are growing so fast. Doc says soon they'll be ready to come out." he said, his voice filled with so much happiness. He leaned down and kissed my lips, leaning his forehead on mine. His hands went to my bump, as his hands covered mine. In this moment, I felt content. I felt happy.

Realisation hit me like a truck. I quickly pulled back and looked up at Adrian with a grin. "Oh My Goddess, Adrian!" I squealed in excitement. He looked up at me, surprised at my outburst. "The rogue king is gone and so are all the rogues. I'm no longer in danger!" I said, with a gasp. A grin made its way onto his face as he nodded.

"I know, princess. Everything will be okay. We're going to start a family together with the ones we love around us. Everything will be perfect. Especially with Christmas around the corner." My eyes widened as I looked up at him. What's the date?

"December 10th. You were in coma for just over four weeks." he explained. We heard the door open and we looked over to the door to see my parents walk in.

"Skylar, dear, you're awake!" my mom said, as her eyes watered. She ran over to me with dad behind her and took me into a tight hug. Adrian smiled at me before whispering that he'd be back before walking out of the room. I smiled at him and nodded. Once he was out of the room, my parents held each of my hands and looked at me as if I was fragile.

"Guys I'm okay now." I laughed, as I reached up and kissed their cheeks.

"We've been so worried about the two of you. When Alexander and the boys brought you here, you were both unconscious. You both fell into coma because of the large amounts of silver in your body, laced with wolfsbane." My eyes widened at what my mom had said. We had been attacked with wolfsbane too? Wolfsbane was like silver, but worse. It could kill if enough was injected or if it reached the heart

"Wh-what?" I gasped. "Adrian had been in coma too?" I said, my heart beat quickening in worry. He had come to rescue me. It was my fault. He didn't have to get hurt.

"Darling, did he not tell you? I thought he would have." Dad said "as soon as I'd killed that bastard Raphael, Adrian fell unconscious then you followed. The rest of the rogues had been killed already. We brought you here straight away. Adrian woke up five days after you were brought here. He's been at your side since he woke up. He said he wouldn't eat, sleep or drink till you woke up. He's very stubborn, that one. But, he's good for you. He's definitely earned the son in law card from me." My dad joked. My mom laughed too, and I joined in. Everything was going to be okay.

"Why weren't we invited to the party?" Amy said, as she walked into the room followed by Nathan, Ben, Jess, Blake, Lisa, Jaxon and his mate who I hadn't met yet. The infirmary room was big, so there was more than enough room for everyone. I smiled and ushered for them all to come in. I greeted everyone and when Jaxon came to greet me, he grabbed the girls hand and pulled her to him. I smiled at their connection. I could tell they were in love.

"Danielle, this is Luna Skylar. Skylar, this is my mate Danielle." He introduced us. She was so nice, she told me how they had been worried about me and how she'd heard so much about me. We would definitely be good friends. While everyone was talking and updating me with what had been going on, Adrian walked back into the room with some flowers and chocolate in his hand. A smile made its way onto my face as soon as I saw him. Everyone moved away from the bed, as he walked to the bed and I noticed mum and the girls swoon at us. I rolled my eyes at their girly antics. Adrian leaned down and kissed my cheek, probably because my dad was here.

"Good choice, son. I know she's your mate but remember that her father is right here." he said, as he patted Adrian's shoulder. Adrian chuckled, before giving me the flowers and chocolates. They were white and red roses, my favourite. I thanked him, before setting them on the table beside me and shuffling to the left so Adrian could sit beside me. Everyone ate some chocolate and we continued talking, while Adrian rubber circles on my bare back. Having him beside me was the best feeling ever after everything I'd endured. I still get bad feelings when I think back to those horrible days and nights I had endured, but all of that vanished when I had Adrian by my side. I loved him and he loved me. We were growing a little family and that's all that mattered to me.

Awwww isn't this cute!! What do you think the gender will be of the babies. Will it be two girls? Two boys? Or a girl and a boy? What names are you guys thinking of. Please let me know in the comments.

Stay safe and see you with another update tomorrow, angels.

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