14 | bruises and escapes

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I woke up to light streaming through the windows. Urgh, I forgot to close the curtains last night! All the events from yesterday came back to me. That arrogant asshole! He's so annoying, disrespectful, stupid, beautiful-

Stop it Skylar, not the time! My thoughts went back to last night and my heart ached in sadness and pain. Adrian had been so rude to me. He didn't deserve a mate! Today, I needed to find a way out of this hell hole. All my belongings were in Adrian's room, so I got out of bed and left the room. However, as soon as I had started walking towards our room, which was at the end of the long corridor a door opposite me opened and a man walked out.

"Who do we have here?" he said as he looked me up and down. I suddenly felt self conscious in my half naked state. F*ck, I wasn't even wearing a bra! His eyes were locked on my nipples that were showing through my thin, white t-shirt. I folded my arms over my chest, but this caused my shirt to rise slightly and his eyes fell to my exposed thighs.

He started walking closer to me, so I did the only logical thing. I started walking towards Adrian's room but, within seconds, he was in front of me locking me in place with an arm on either side of me. I tried to get away from him but he grabbed my neck and slammed me to the wall.

"I don't like being ignored, bitch" he sneered, as he began squeezing my neck. What the f*ck was his problem! I tried to tell him to get off me or scream for help but no sound came out. An idea came to my mind, so I kicked him as hard as I could between his legs.

His grip loosened and I began running. I had only made it a few feet away before he quickly recovered and grabbed my ankle, making me fall on to the floor hard. My head made contact with the floor and it began throbbing. He got on top of me and began pulling on my hair, forcefully placing his lips on my neck. His hands also made their way under my shirt as he started touching me. I tried prying his hands off me, but was unsuccessful. As soon as his lips made contact with the place Adrian should mark me, it began to burn and the pain was unbearable. It must have been the mate bond. I screamed in pain and tried to push him off me but he was too heavy.

I closed my eyes, as the pain increased when suddenly he was thrown off me and I heard Adrian's loud growl. I opened my eyes to see Adrian beating the man up. "How dare you lay a hand on my mate! She's your Luna!" he shouted, in anger. I quickly stood up, but almost fell back when my vision blurred and my head throbbed. I leaned on the wall and watched Adrian beat him until his eyes became lifeless. He was a monster! He came towards me but I pushed his hands away. He looked at me in confusion, but I turned on my heel and walked to our room. I sat on the bed, as I began seeing circles.

"Here, take these for your head" Adrian said with a gruff voice, throwing a packet of tablets on the bed next to me and roughly placing a glass of water on the table, causing some to spill. He was already dressed and his hair was perfectly combed back. One second he acted like he cared, then the next he acted like this. He was so confusing, urgh!

"Thank you" I said with an emotionless expression, as I picked up the tablets and had one with water. He walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I sat down for a few minutes and when I felt somewhat better, I walked to the bathroom to shower. After my shower, I looked in the mirror to see red, large hand prints around my neck and my head had a nasty bruise forming. I sighed and got changed before walking downstairs to the kitchen.

"Oh My Goddess Sky!! What happened to you?" Amelia shouted, running towards me. While she was looking at the bruises, Adrian who was sitting at the table looked up and his jaw clenched upon seeing the bruises. I knew they'd heal by the end of the day, but it still hurt.

"Um, a guy forced himself on me, I don't know who he was" I replied trying not to remember what he did. What would have happened if Adrian hadn't come in time? Would he have- No Skylar don't think about it. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my mate's beautiful voice.

"It was Lucian, he showed disrespect to the pack by forcing himself upon his Luna, so I killed him" Adrian added, as he looked up at me. I pushed my hair behind my ear, suddenly conscious of how bad I must look. Killed? My heartbeat quickened at this and I diverted my eyes from Adrian. He was a murderer!

"Anyway, come sit down. Let's eat" Nathan attempted to change the conversation. We sat down, just as Jaxon joined us, and began eating.

"I have some important pack business to attend to so I will be out for the rest of the day. I will be back at night, I'm not sure what time" Adrian said, to no one in particular, then got up and left with Jaxon behind him. He didn't even look at me! Or say goodbye properly. This annoyed me more than it should have. I clenched my jaw and stood up, "I'm going for a run" I said to Amelia and Nathan. Sapphire hadn't been on a run for days and was urging me to go for a run.

"Let's go" Nathan stood up. I looked at him in confusion, "you can't go for a run on your own"

"I can and I will" I replied, stubbornly, "I'm your Luna so you have to obey me and I'm telling you I'll be fine on my own"

He sighed and gave in, telling me to stay close and to call him if I need help for any reason.

I left and went for a run around the pack. The pack was so beautiful with a lot of plants and animals. I saw a big deer and Sapphire went for the kill, successfully gripping onto it and biting into its neck. Once it went limp, we fed on it and went to look for water to clean up. This gave me feelings of deja vu from my first rogue attack. Sapphire was extra alert, as we found a small pond and went to it to clean up.

After I had cleaned up, I ran around for a bit when a thought came to mind. No one was with me, so it was the perfect chance to escape. I ran towards the borders and noticed pack guards stood there. I decided to distract them so I ran behind some trees and snapped some branches, before hiding behind other trees. Some of the guards ran towards the sound and I used this to my advantage and ran to the opening. I was blessed with fast speed so I managed to quickly leave the pack borders before they noticed. However, they must have caught my scent because I heard several footsteps running towards me, as well as growls. They'd shifted! I needed to get out of here fast. I urged Sapphire to run faster and she ran as fast as she could.

After running for what felt like hours, I finally lost the guards and I stopped at a tree. I noticed I was in another pack, but there were no guards around and I couldn't pick up any scents. Perhaps this was not a pack's territory.

My legs were aching and I felt tired so I decided to rest for a bit. My pack was still a few hours from here, so I needed some more energy. I lay down and rested for a whole.

However, I grew alert and quickly stood up, as I heard the the sound of voices. "There's someone here." I began slowly moving away from the tree I was resting at and listened carefully to what they were saying.

"I'm sure it's her. Let's find her." I heard another voice say. There was no doubt in my mind that I was the person they were referring to. I quickly ran to the other direction and my breath hitched

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