39 | comas and twitches

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The song above is the song I wrote this chapter to. Press play and listen to it while reading <3


I quickly sat up, my eyes burning as they tried to adjust to the light. Beeping and machines surrounded me and I noticed I was in the infirmary room. A sense of deja vu passed over me. Was that real? Or had I been dreaming? I needed to see Sky!

I disconnected the wires from my body and looked down to see my wound bandaged up. It didn't hurt anymore either. I stood up and walked out of the room, to see Alexander, Clara, Jaxon, Nathan, Amelia and Danielle sitting on the chairs opposite my room. As soon as I stepped out of the room, they stood up and Jaxon ran over to me with Nathan behind him. They took me in their arms.

"Thank the Goddess, you're okay Adrian." Jaxon said. He looked relieved. Up close, I noticed dark eye bags beneath their eyes. Had they not been sleeping? How long had I been here?

As if sensing my thoughts, Nathan said "Adrian, it's been five days since we brought you and Skylar here."

"Where's Sky?" I asked, my heart beat quickening. I had to be with her, after everything she'd been through, she needed me at her side. I needed to be by her side. Ryder was clawing me in my mind, in desperation to see his precious mate.

"She's in there" Jaxon replied, pointing to the room beside the one I had been in. 

I ran into the room, ignoring Doctor Jenna's protests and the nurse's glares. I was relieved to see she was here rather than any male doctors. I didn't want any male seeing my mate's body. I walked over to her and covered my mouth instantly, in shock, upon seeing her. Her naked body was covered in bruises and cuts. Tears formed in my eyes and I felt anger and fury build up at the pit of my stomach. The man who's blood ran in me had done this. He'd abused my mate so much. I felt Ryder urging me to let him come out, but I ignored him.

My eyes raked over her body and I sighed in relief upon seeing her baby bump. It had grown bigger since the last time I had seen it and it was obvious she was expecting twins.

"How is she? How are the babies?" I asked, as I sat at her side. I grabbed her hand, but it wasn't warm like it usually was. It was ice cold. I looked up, in panic at Doc.

"Luna's doing fine. We detected a lot of silver in her blood. It had been injected into her system repeatedly, causing her body to shut down and as a result she's in coma. We're not sure how long it will take her to wake up but the results are coming out good. She should wake up within the next few days. Thankfully, the babies are both okay and healthy. We have feeding tubes connected to Skylar so the babies are receiving the nutrition they need, as well as the Luna." she explained.

I nodded at her, before demanding they all leave the room. In no position to deny their Alpha, they scurried out the room and closed the door behind them. I turned to Skylar. She looked beautiful, even in her delicate state. I covered her body with the blanket and kissed her cold forehead. Then, I tucked some of her loose hair behind her ear, before pouring my heart out to the love of my life.

"Sky baby, I'm not sure if you can hear me. There's a slight chance you can, so I thought it's worth a try. I missed you so much. When you were taken, I couldn't sleep, eat or do anything without you. I'm so sorry it took me so long to find you. What you had to endure, that was horrible and you didn't deserve it at all. If I could, I would have traded our places. I would die a thousand times for you, love. I'd do anything if it meant you were safe. Seeing you tied to that bed, blood, scars, bruises and cuts covering you bought me the same pain I had seen years ago when I lost my mother. I couldn't bare losing you. I would die without you. You're the reason to my happiness. You've bought light into my life after all those years of darkness. I love you so much princess. I know you can do this. You fought before and you will fight harder now. Because it's not just for me. It's for out babies too. We're starting a new family together, angel and for that I'm so happy and excited. I would wish to build a family with no one other than you. You're a perfect daughter, sister, friend, mate and Luna. I love you, baby. Please come back to me soon. I'll wait for you. I'm by your side, forever and always."

I hadn't noticed but I had started crying. I wiped my tears, not wanting anyone to see me like this. While I was wiping my tears, I saw Sklyar's hand twitch causing my eyes to widen, in shock. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, as more tears fell from my eyes. Skylar had heard me. Come on, baby. Come back to me. Please. I need you.

Soooo....the previous chapter was just a dream!! Who knew it was a dream? Who fell for it? Obviously Skylar couldn't die. They're having children, they need to build a family. Also, Skylar is strong, she isn't a weak little wolf.

Who else felt emotional during this chapter. I did!

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