20 | lightweights and kisses

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"Woah slow down darling, you're going to get drunk" Adrian laughed, as I finished my third glass of red wine.

"I'm not a lightweight Sir, so don't worry" I giggled. Oh no. I was starting to get a little tipsy.

"I can really tell. That's enough drinks for you." He put the lid back into the bottle and put it on his side off the table. So, I pouted.

"You're teasing me. Stop pouting or I'll reach over and make you stop" he threatened. I smirked before pouting again. He suddenly leaned forward and using his thumb, straightened my lip out. He did this while keeping eye contact with me and it was so hot. His eyes were so beautiful from up close. I could almost see my reflection in those beautiful, brown orbs.

"Your eyes are so pretty" I slurred. He laughed and shook his head.

"Come on, we need to get you home" he called the waiter over and payed the bill, before helping me up.

We walked out of the restaurant to his car, my hand in his. I noticed it was already dark out. He opened the passenger door for me and waited for me to sit in the car before reaching over to put my seatbelt on.

"I can do my own seatbelt, Adrian" I laughed.

His head was so close to my cleavage as he was reaching over for the buckle. I sucked in a breath when his hand made contact with my exposed arm. He tied the seatbelt before walking around to his seat. As he started the car and reversed out of the car park, I said "Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun"

"You're welcome Skylar. I'm glad you had fun." he replied with a smile. I realised he had a dimple. How hadn't I noticed before? I reached over and poked his cheek before laughing. He looked over at me before laughing with me. Then we both started laughing harder to the point where tears were coming out of my eyes. Eventually, we calmed down and I looked at the beautiful sky. I noticed we were outside the pack house. Adrian parked outside then walked around the car and opened my door.

When we walked into the house, Amy and a shirtless Nathan were making out on the sofa. I quickly closed my eyes at the same time Adrian pulled me to his chest. "Ewwww we didn't want to see porn" I said, my voice muffled by Adrian's shirt. He smelt amazing and being this close to him gave me butterflies.

"Put your shirt back on Nathan" Adrian growled. I heard shuffling and Amy's laugh before Adrian told me I could look. I turned around to see both of them sitting next to eachother with a foot between them. Amy was looking between Adrian and I, with her eyebrows raised suggestively. I rolled my eyes at her childishness.

"Let's go to bed, love. It's quite late" Adrian said. I looked at him, then smiled.

"Goodnight guys. Don't make babies on the couch" I said with a smirk.

"Don't worry Luna dearest, we'll do that in the bedroom. You and I have a lot to talk about in the morning. And use protection." Amy replied, with a wink.

My cheeks burned and I heard Adrian and Nathan laugh before Adrian led me upstairs to our bedroom. "I'm going to have a shower, wanna join?" he turned to me and gave me a cheeky wink, while removing his shirt and throwing it onto the sofa. I couldn't help but check him out. He had a great body.

"No thank you. Go have a shower so I can get changed" I pushed him towards the bathroom, while he laughed. I removed my dress and bra, before wearing the shirt Adrian's shirt. When Adrian came out of the bathroom, I went in and washed my makeup off, tied my hair up in a bun and brushed my teeth.

When I felt slightly sobered up, I left the bathroom. I noticed Adrian was already in bed. He looked me up and down and his eyes lingered on my long legs. "Why are you standing over there love. I won't bite. I mean not unless you want me to" he teased. I giggled before walking to the bed and getting in. Suddenly, he grabbed me by the waist and effortlessly pulled me on top of him. I quickly adjusted myself so I was straddling him but my shirt had risen and my core brushed against his member. Adrian closed his eyes and groaned and I blushed, realising he was only wearing a thin pair of boxers.

He opened his eyes and looked at me for a few minutes, while I did the same to him. He had light freckles dusted around his nose that were shown by the light from the lamp. I got lost in his big, beautiful, brown eyes with swirls of a darker brown swimming through them. "You're so beautiful Skylar. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I'm so lucky to have you as a mate. You're going to make the perfect Luna" he said.

It was so genuine it made my heart melt. I smiled "Thank you Adrian. No one has ever made me feel this beautiful. I'm so lucky to have you as a mate. I was scared to be your mate at first because of the many rumours about you. But I now know they're all wrong. You're not a monster. You're so kind hearted." I replied, then leaned down and kissed his cheek. When I moved back, I looked at his lips. They were so soft and inviting.

As if sensing my thoughts, Adrian leaned up slightly at the same time I lowered my head and our lips met for the first time. Sparks spread through my body as he deepened the kiss. I let his tongue enter my mouth as our tongues fought for dominance. I sucked on his tongue and he moaned in pleasure. Hearing him moan was the best sound ever. I could feel his member poking at my thigh and I smirked at the effect I had on him. His hands lowered until they reached my thighs and he let them roam under my shirt, as he traced all my curves. Then, his hands went lower and he squeezed my ass causing me to moan.

We eventually broke the kiss as we ran out of oxygen. I leaned my forehead on his and looked at him through my lashes, as we both caught our breath. I smiled at him and quickly pecked his lips before rolling off of him and laying down next to him. He pulled me close and placed his arm around me before kissing my forehead.

We remained in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. I knew he was still awake because he was playing with my hair. Since Adrian had mentioned his mother this morning, questions had been forming in my mind.

"Adrian?" I called out, as I leaned on my elbow and looked up at him. He stopped playing with my hair and he looked at me, with a smile. "What happened to your mother? You mentioned her this morning and I haven't seen her around" I noticed his smile fell and his jaw clench, as he moved away from me slightly. His eyes were filled with sadness, and a frown made its way onto his face. "You don't need to answer if you don't want to. I'm sorry for asking" I said as I was about to turn around, regretting asking him such a personal question.

He reached out and touched my arm. "No. I want to answer. You deserve to know. My mother...she was an amazing person. The best Luna, the best wife, mother, friend. Everyone loved her. She was my best friend. My dad never deserved her. He wasn't a good man. He didn't treat her well at all, always staying out till late and I'm sure he was having an affair."

I gasped at this. His father was such a disgusting man. How could he do such a thing to his mate? "One night when I was only 9" he continued "my had mum put me to bed. I couldn't sleep that night and my father wasn't home so I went to their room to sleep with my mum. But she wasn't in bed. I found her in the bathtub" he choked on his words and I noticed tears falling from his eyes "She was laying in her own blood. She killed herself."

"I'm so sorry Adrian" I said sadly, as I wiped his tears and kissed his cheek.

"She didn't deserve to die. My dad made her kill herself. She loved him so much but he didn't love her back. That's why I was scared to have a mate. To care about you. In the end. I'm just like my father. A monster" he said, his voice sad. I hadn't realised that I had started crying, until Adrian wiped my tears away and kissed me gently.

"You're not a monster, Adrian. You're nothing like your father. If your mother could see you now, she'd be so proud of you" I said, with a smile as I hugged him. We stayed in each others arms for what felt like hours in a comfortable silence. My heart ached as Adrian's words repeated in my mind. He had seen his mother dead at such a young age. No child should have to see that.

"Goodnight my love" Adrian said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Goodnight Adrian" I smiled as I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep in the arms of my mate for the first time. I was so content and happy, for the first time in a long time. But, I should have known happiness like this didn't last long.

What do you think will happen?

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