34 | worry and blood

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I looked around, but couldn't see Skylar anywhere. How far were the bathrooms? I stood up and left the hall and began walking towards the bathrooms. Once I reached the women's bathroom, I stood outside for a few minutes but Skylar didn't come out. I couldn't catch her scent either.

"Skylar. Where are you? I'm waiting outside the bathroom. Are you in there?" I called out through the mind link. However, the mind link was disconnected and I couldn't sense her. Where on Earth was she? My heartbeat quickened at the thought of anything bad happening to Skylar. No, she had to be fine.

I knocked on the door and waited. A woman walked out and smiled at me before saying "No one is in there." I thanked her, before walking back to the main hall. I spotted the others by the bar and walked over to them.

"Hey, have you seen Skylar?" they all shook their heads, saying they hadn't seen her since before she went to the bathroom. My mind started to fill with worried thoughts and scenarios of where she could be. I could sense Ryder trying to take control at the prospect of his mate in danger. I ran out of the hall and searched the rest of the house, with Steven and Alexander helping me. There was no luck. She wasn't in the house.

Alexander started to pace and punched the wall, causing it to crumble. Steven and I looked at him, with side eyes. Usually, he is composed but his daughter missing caused him to lash out. I reassured him telling him we'd find her. I ran outside to the entrance and looked around. Nothing looked unusual and I didn't spot her. I walked down the stairs and continued looking around the pack lands but to no avail.

Suddenly, I heard some glass crunch beneath my foot and noticed I had stepped on some broken glass with juice spilled all over the floor. There was a piece of paper beside the broken glass. I bent down and picked it. As I read the letter, I balled my hand in a fist and roared so loud I'm sure everyone on the MoonStone pack lands heard it. Jessica had been sitting at the table with us during dinner and was at the bar with the others earlier. This meant she had been trapped. I turned around and showed the letter to Alexander and Steven who were equally angry. My mind began filling with unpromising scenarios where Sky was in danger. My heart ached without her here and I couldn't help but let a few tears fall.

"Adrian." I heard Alexander's alarmed voice say. I looked up at him and noticed his eyes ablaze in anger and he was looking at the floor behind me. I quickly turned around and noticed some blood on the bottom step. Oh my Goddess. Sky! I ran over to the spot and saw a lot of blood dripping down the steps. It was fresh. I quickly alerted the guards and Steven alerted the pack guards to not let anyone leave or enter, as we began searching for her. Her scent was lingering slightly in the air but it wasn't as strong as it would be if she was here. Were we too late? Had someone taken her already?

We ran to the borders and asked the guards if they had seen anything suspicious but they told us no one who hadn't been invited had come into or out of the pack. I saw one guard shake slightly in fear, as his forehead sweated slightly. He knew something! I walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar.

"Listen to me, pup. I can sense the fear off you. Tell me. What do you know?" I said, my voice filled with venom. If he had anything to do with Skylar getting taken, I wouldn't spare him. Steven walked over and questioned him too, he was equally as angry as me. Steven has always been like a father to me, more of one that my actual father. So, I understand how he must be feeling right now. Skylar was like a daughter to him.

"I...I'm sorry. I can't say...anything." he pleaded.

"Leonard, Stuart take Rick to the interrogation room. We will be questioning him." Steven instructed two of his guards, his voice low with anger. Rick visibly shook with fear. I smirked at his fear. Skylar, don't worry I will find you.


"She's beautiful dad. Can we keep her after we're done with her?" I heard a male voice say. The voice gave me chills, he sounded so evil.

"Of course, son. She's all yours." I heard a deep voice say. My head was throbbing in pain and I could feel blood dripping down the back of my head. I tried to open my eyes, but a bright light shone over me. I quickly closed my eyes, then slowly opened them and let them adjust to the light. I noticed I was chained to a wall, my legs were spread and my ankles were chained to the ground. My arms were chained above my head, and my wrists were protesting in pain. My body weight was causing the chain to rub into my skin and I could see the skin was red and sore, as blood dropped down my arms. My dress was ripped causing one of my legs to be exposed completely. My heels were gone and I could feel my hair matted with blood.

"Come here, you bastards. Show me your face." I shouted, as I could hear the two men conversing in the distance. I heard a chuckle, before the heavy, metal door in front of me opened.

"Well well well. Looks like the princess is awake. Or should I say Alpha Adrian's, precious Luna is awake." one of the men said. When he said Adrian's name, I could sense hatred in his tone. He knew Adrian?
The one who spoke was a middle aged man, probably about five years older than my father. He had pitch black hair and equally dark eyes, as he looked at me with a menacing glare. He looked familiar, but I couldn't point out where or how I'd seen him before. I must give it to him, he was graced with good looks. The man beside him was younger, he looked to be in his late twenties. He didn't resemble his "father", as he had said earlier, at all. He had dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He had stubble on his jaw and was tall. He could be seen as handsome to some, but his evil glare and smirk made him completely unattractive.

"Answer him, bitch." the younger man said, as he threw a punch at my jaw. I spat out blood at his shoes, before looking up at him with all the hatred I could muster.

"What, daddy can't defend himself? He got you to talk for him?" I cooed, sarcastically. His eyes narrowed as he positioned his hand to slap me, but was stopped by the other man.

"Elijah, there will be plenty of time for all of that later. First, I need her to know who I am." he said, as he looked at me, with a smirk. Elijah shared a look with his "father" before turning to look at me. I noticed his eyes roam my body, lingering at my chest and my exposed leg. I growled at him, in anger.

"You pig, get your ugly eyes off me or I'll cut your eyes out as well as your tiny dick and feed them down your throat." I shouted at him. To this, all I earned was a chuckle. He walked closer to me and put his hand on my cheek.

"You look sexy when you're feisty." I moved my head back, but using his other hand he grabbed my hair to hold me in place. His hand roamed my body from my cheek downwards, as he traced all my curves. I tried to kick him, but the chains stopped my movements and I closed my eyes as tears formed in my eyes. I felt his lips latch onto my neck, where Adrian's mark lay and it burned with his touch.

Dun dun dunnn, plot twist !! Who was taken by surprise? Read on to find out more

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