35 | pain and fathers

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TRIGGER WARNING!! rape and abuse mentioned later on in the chapter.


Alexander, Steven and I were in the interrogation room with Rick tied to a chair. So far, the bastard hadn't told us anything. We had been 'questioning' him for hours and he'd already lost three fingers, one ear and he was bleeding all over the floor. The guy was loyal to whoever captured Skylar.

I decided to pull the interrogation up a notch as I put on some gloves and grabbed a blade made of silver. I traced it along Rick's arm, causing him to hiss as his arm burned. He thrashed against me violently and I smirked at his struggle.

"Fine fine. I'll tell you something. Just please get that silver off me." he shouted. I moved the knife away from his skin and motioned for him to talk.

"The rogue king has her. He made a deal with me to allow him and his people to get on to the MoonStone lands today and I helped them escape. He threatened my family. If he finds out I told you, he'll kill them." he cried out. I looked to Alexander and Steven to ask if they believed him and they nodded.

"Where is the rogue king?" I demanded. He looked at me with wide eyes and shook his head.

"I don't know. Believe me I don't know. He didn't tell me where he was taking her. He just promised to spare my family if I helped him. Please protect them." he panicked.

"Your family will be safe. As for you, you betrayed us all. You're a disgrace to our kind." I snarled, before stabbing him in the heart.

I threw the knife on the floor and removed the gloves before raking my hand through my hair. How will I find her? It's been 8 hours since she was taken. She could have been taken to another country for all I knew. I began pacing around the room, when I felt a sharp pain on my mark. I fell on my knees, as I groaned in pain.

"What's wrong Adrian?" Steven questioned as he and Alexander ran towards me. They helped me up before looking at my mark. It was bright red and was sore. My hand touched the mark and it felt hot to the touch.

"Those fuckers. Someone touched her mark. That's why it hurt me." I punched the wall repeatedly, at the thought of someone touching my mate. How dare they? How fûcking dare those motherfûckers? Wait till I get my hands o  them!

"Adrian, control yourself. If you hurt yourself, how will we find her. I'll speak to the other Alphas to search as well, we'll find my daughter and that rogue king will pay." Alexander said, with determination in his eyes.

Don't worry Skylar, I will find you. Even if it's the last thing I do.


"Aahhhh" I screamed, in pain as I thrashed in Elijah's hold. After what felt like forever, he stopped kissing and sucking on my neck as he moved his lips but kept his face between my shoulder and head. He sniffed me, then he leaned back and looked up at me.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" he said. This caught his father's attention as his eyes snapped to my stomach.

I was too scared to answer. What would they do to my poor babies? Tears fell from my eyes, at the idea of my unborn kids being in danger. I would protect my babies, even if it's the last thing I do.

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