chapter 9

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“Club??? Tonight??”

He nodded

“Why namjoon??”

“Our allies want to meet you”

He looked at her thinking deeply.

“What’s wrong??”

“ but you said I’m safe if I’m in home” She said shocking herself as she  mentioned it as her home unknowingly. Some guys did make her feel home but a few, especially one reminded her of her own home.

“Well don’t worry we won’t let anyone do anything to you.” He smiled assuringly her of no worries.

She replied with a smile too.
“so when should we go??”

“Mmm in a hour”

Her eyes widened. “WHAT?? A HOUR?? I should go see if have any dress ready”

“Don’t worry  we didn’t know which one you like so we have prepared a few dresses for you in your room. You can choose which one you want. Please be on time” namjoon said tapping his watch.

She nodded and went to her room.
As soon as she entered the room she saw three dresses laid on the bed.

She always felt it hard to choose between dresses.

She picked up the first and immediately rejected after seeing how exposing it was.

The next dress was a complete gown with a shining dark blue colour at the top but down it fuses with a lighter blue. It was sleeveless yet pretty. She kept it at the side smiling.

The last one was a bright cherry red knee length Frock and was sleeveless. She took this one in her hand and the blue one comparing which one will look good on her.

She picked the red one as it was simple and she often feels she looks good in red more.

She finally wore it and made up her hair. Didn’t put make up as she usually doesn’t apply it. She just applied some lip balm to her lips automatically giving it a pink shade.
She feels being simple is the way to look beautiful.


“Come in”

“Hyeri we nee-“ hoseok stopped midway.

She looked at him confused.

“Whats wrong hoseok?? Does this dress not suit me??” she asked looking at herself.

“NO you look really pretty in that" he complimented making her get a slight red hue on her cheek.

“Lets go” he said and she nodded floolowing him down.

When she went down she looked at all the six staring at her. They all were wearing denim jeans and bomber jackets on.

“Whats wrong guys” she asked shaking her hand infront of them trying to snap them out of their daze.

“Ah nothing” namjoon said coming out of his daze.

“You look really beautiful hyeri” jimin smiled getting a thanks back from her but rather a shy one.

“So let’s go”

Everyone nodded and filed out of the house and got in the car.

Before she was going to go a hand grabbed her stopping her from going any further. She turned around and her eyes fell on the back haired man. Oh shit, what's he stopping her for now? What did she do? She realized she was the only one with him in the house.

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