chapter 12

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"HYERI!!!!!" he screamed and looked for her everywhere. Just then a rattling noise echoed from above the ceiling. Immediately he jumped off the window and crawled up the roof of the building, that's when he spotted sungte carrying hyeri in his arms. She struggled in his grip and tried to beat as hard as she could but it didn't work. He snarled in anger and his eyes shined black with that usual size gone and a larger circle formed around it.

The sky had received his emotion change and they began to rain and thunder growled his anger.

Sungte was overwhelmed that he caught hold of her and ran faster but bumped into something really hard and tall right in front of him where he tobbled off with hyeri' down on the floor.

Namjoon stood there blocking his path stopping him from running away from their bounds.

"You jerk!!!" he cursed and pushed namjoon so hard that namjoon hit a few pillars and fell across on the other end. He was usually very strong but his power was compromised because of his sickness.

Jungkook got angered after seeing namjoon hurt,

"Yaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!" he sprang on sungte and landed heavy punches on his face, but sungte kept smiling like a maniac making jungkook' burn with fury.

He got up and summoned the heavens with his power to land a huge lightning strike just on sungte but he revolted the attack by forming a shield around himself. He was strong enough to battle jungkook's powers but not strong enough to overpower his anger so slowly the shield cracked and it finally hit him on his face.

Both of them rolled apart for the explosion caused by the power. Hyeri was scared and clueless. she was thrown away too but she was closer to sungte as compared to jungkook. She noticed him run frantically towards her so she managed to get up and run away but before she could place one more step he held her hair back and grabbed her in his grip tightly. He took the chance of the Misty atmosphere and tried to carry her in his hands but it made it difficult as she fought him and tried to kick hapahzardly. So he pressed his finger near her neck making her faint in a moment and speeded like light into the woods.

Jungkook' panted hard and slapped away the smoke but it was too late because he had already escaped.
Sungte went to a very far place from their home, into the deep woods and placed hyeri' on the ground slowly. She was coming back to consciousness when sungte noticed her pulse beat in her neck. He suddenly remembered what Zeus told about her blood bringing eternity.
He got greedy of the powers and decided to have it for himself, he planned to rule the world beyond anyone above all, above Zeus.

"leave...LEAVE ME!!!" she yelled with all her strength. Pushing him she ran near the door with all her will and went to reach out to the door but before she could a strong force pulled her back and slammed her to the ground.

His eyes turned to a bright red making him look so damn creepy and scary.

He pinned her hard on the ground leaning forward and protuded his fangs to dig it into her skin. He pulled her shirt covering her neck down revealing the side of her neck and little of her bare shoulders to bite her. she shut her eyes close tightly. But before his lips could even touch her skin a huge blow landed flat on his side breaking his cheek bones into pieces.

Jungkook had landed his knee on his cheek with a kick in mid air. His anger was the last thing anyone would wanna mess with and sungte did that. Jungkook brought the gurging clouds with him as he came. He held sungte's leg and swirled it in mid air with all his power and force that his body parts detached and tore out of him to get thrown away in all the directions.

Ultimately jungkook threw his leg that was the only part left, on the ground.
He turned towards hyeri' and saw her as a crying mess. He walked to her and scouted Infront of her.

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