chapter 43- THE END

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Sun had come to it's highest point in the sky spreading its rays brightly. The clear blue sky was so calming, as the birds flew peacefully with its sweet chirpings but the environment outside was not what it was inside the house.

Jin opened the door to hyeri's room and walked in closely followed by the rest except jungkook and taehyung to check if she was awake atlast.

It's been a day since Zeus had perished, a day since the good won, a day since taehyung was injured pretty badly, a day since hyeri was almost killed, a day since she had collapsed.

Seeing her stir from her sleep all of them grew happy. All of their eyes glowed with happiness seeing her move. Hoseok even teared out his happiness.

She fluttered her eyes open and rubbed it to clear the blurred vision.

Jin quicky helped her sit up on the bed and wrapped the blanket around her comfortably.

"Thank god your awake hyeri, do you have a temperature?" he said smiling with glistening eyes softly stroking her hair and feeling her forehead.

"So glad your alright" Jimin beamed looking at her but she didn't respond to anyone rather just looked at them.

Hoseok saw her eyes trail all of them like as if she was searching for someone.

" Oh! He isn't here. He was feeling guilty about facing you, but he'll surely be happy to see you awake anyway. I'll go drag him here" he said smiling.

She looked at her hands and then caught her forehead shutting her eyes.

"Hyeri you need to take some rest. Your still not fully recovered" namjoon said with concern filling his eyes and gestured Jin to help her lay down.

Jin did so and patted her head giving her the most warm Smile.

"Once you feel completely well let's have a party ok?? And if you need anything call me" he smiled gently and all walked out leaving her to rest.

She pushed the blanket slightly off her and got up to sit still holding her head. Her head was stinging with sharp peaks of pain every time she tried to think about what happened. Feeling trapped she tried to get up But was startled when the door banged opened revealing taehyung who was a little more pale but was bearing a wide smile.

"HYERI!!! So glad your fine!! I'm sorry we are late" He exclaimed in excitement,  "by the way look who is here" he moved aside and another person entered, hesitantly looking at her, jungkook.

But the second his eyes fell on her, they teared up and smiling widely he strolled towards her. He wrapped his huge arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"I really thought you would leave me" he mumbled digging his face on her neck "I wouldn't have forgiven myself if something happened to you, really, really I'm so happy you look alive"

Though his lips smiled his eyes expressed how much hurt he had carried until now, until she woke up. He had been blaming himself for what she went through. In the end they won because of her.

"We won it hyeri, you did it" he smiled containing his tears. Finally pulling away he looked at her still not erasing his smile, his hands then rested on her hers on her lap.

"We can finally be together, we can finally be happy again" he smiled his eyes shining with tears at its brim.

"I'm sorry..." she spoke for the first time.

But as soon as she completed the words it directly striked his heart vanishing the smile on his face.

"... but who are you??" She questioned confused. Now the tears that housed in his eye broke into a drop and wet his cheeks while his eyes widened in disbelief of what he heared.

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