chapter 22

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"Do you like him??" hyeri asked

"No it's nothing like that. I've heard about all the members only from Jin oppa but have never seen them. So I was just...excited" she justified.

"okay take some..Rest I'll go" hyeri said and left the room

It's been like that since days. She wasn't just sure but she was damn sure that hae na likes jungkook. She tries to be everywhere he is, offering him help when he had food, getting a bit clingy at times.

She just wished that she wouldn't get affected by her acts but it somewhat did. She would feel something at the pit of her stomach whenever she sees them together.

But hae na was actually a sweet girl, just that hyeri gets a little annoyed when she sees jungkook with her, god knows why... And she was ashamed of herself for that.

"Really??? Did he??? Ah you just don't know how that oppa was" hae na beamed.

"I know he used be so irritating at times" hoseok reminisced.

Hyeri was looking at them converse but didn't understand a single thing they were speaking about, another thing that happened often.

Not able to bear the unknowingness she got up and walked to the garden.
That's when she spotted a figure scouting near the pots.

He pulled the plant out with its roots but he put too much strength that the shoot came out separately. He sighed and she started giggling.

"can you stop laughing and help me???" jungkook spoke looking at the shoot and not turning behind.
She shut her mouth 'did he know i was here'

"I know your here hyeri"
She sighed and went to him.

"what is the god of death doing in the garden?? Showing death to weeds???" she mocked laughing.

"Unwanted things should be removed" he said meddling with the mud,"Let it be humans or plants" he finished and as soon as he said that a demeanour vibe formed around him.

He didnt know how to place the plant in the pot. He looked at her standing without any aim.
"A little help wouldn't harm right?" he asked again..

"and why should I??" she crossed her hands in front of her chest.

"Right you will only help criminals, I understand" he said meaning the time she saved sungte.

"It isn't like that. And I could only help you If I knew how to do it. I dont know a single thing about gardening. I mean who will know how to place plan-"

"jungkook!!!" she heard a shrill voice and felt the girl pass her by and crouch down beside jungkook.

"oh are you gardening. I really love to do it. Let me help you" she said taking the hold of the plant he was holding.
Hyeri's eyes widened

'what the hell is happening here??'

Jungkook nodded slightly and hae na started teaching him how to do it.
Both of them took out the plant with the roots and planted it in a row. They were changing pots, and also planted new plants in the soil.

He helped hae na remove a few weeds out and received a shy-blushing thank you from her.

There was a mini romance drama going on with her hand slightly grazing his, she seeing him and admiring his looks when he is busy working but him not giving a damn.
Hyeri felt that feeling again. She clenched her fist.

'if she can then even I can'

"That's it even I can do it" she owned up and crouched down.

"look what I do now" she said getting doubtfull looks from both of them.
She caught the plant that needed to be changed to another pot. She pulled it out with all her force.

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