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"Honestly if we weren't going to Emiliano's birthday i'd have you on this table right now" Tayler said from behind me as i applied my last coat of lipstick
"mmh, Tayler i just put my makeup on" i whined as he attempted to kiss me
"but i want a kiss or that ass" Tayler said wrapping his arms around my waist

I didn't say anything before Tayler had be on the table, standing inbetween my legs as he planted a big kiss on my lips

"Okay, we eat on that table" Alejandro said passing us
"i've eaten more than food on this table" Tayler smirked
"okay ew, didn't need to know that" Alejandro yelled from the kitchen
"you're glad i'm wearing matt, get off me no more kissing for the rest of the day" i said moving off the table

I grabbed my clutch

"okay okay, we're gonna be late" my mom said running into the living room putting her shoe on
"you're literally the one that's late honey" my dad chuckled
"okay is everyone here?" she asked
"yes" i said fixing Kairo's suspenders

We all piled into the family car, making sure not to squeeze poor Cynthia and setting Kairo on my lap along with his baby bag in the back.

I might spam today

⭐️drop ideas


 ࿐ྂExpected ࿐ྂ Tayler Holder Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin