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Tayler helped me out the car, making sure not to wake Kairo, who'd fallen asleep on my chest during dinner. I trudged up the stairs slowly and put Kairo down in the guest bedroom, before making my way back downstairs

"Surprise!" everyone yelled "happy birthday Mel!"
"nooo you guys shouldn't have!" i said looking around at my friends who all held boxes
"yes we had to, because you deserve it!" Addison said
"yeah i mean you put up with us 24/7. You are an A1 mom. you deserve everything you're getting" Anthony said
"awwww guys!" i smiled "here come the tears again!"
"oh no!" Dixie said running to hug me and soon we were all in a group hug

"can i have everyone's attention please" Tayler said "Now i know we said no soppy speeches but i kinda couldn't let the day my soulmate was born go by without saying something. 22 years and 9 months ago your parents raw dogged it and we're all super greatful because out of it we got sister, a friend, a wife and most importantly an incredible woman who gave me a beautiful son. I love you so much princess and i hope you had an amazing day"

Everyone clapped as i gave Tayler a passionate kiss

"okay now that that's over and done with" Bryce began "open my gift"
"ew no, open mine first"Kio said

2 more chapters ladies and gentlemen

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