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I sat on top of the luggage on the luggage cart as Tayler pushed us towards our group of waiting friends.

"i can't belive you guys are late to your own event" Addison laughed
"technically it's not an event" i said "and i told you Tayler and I would be boarding the later flight it's not my fault you guys took the early one"
"well we're all here anyways, where to from here?" Anthony asked

I pointed behind them to where the party bus stood waiting to take us to the villa i had booked for the weekend in sunny Bahamas.

Everyone made their way to the bus, putting their luggage in the compartments before sitting around the booze.

"now as you all know, this weekend is my birthday. so i want us to turn the fuck up because ya girl is 22 and there are no parents or babies or curfews to tell us shit!" i said toasting before downing the shot in my hand

Everyone toasted along with me before taking a gulp. we continued to laugh and joke around before arriving at our destination. As the boys put our bags inside i took the bowl of keys that were for the rooms

"okay so, you may all think you're going to room with your partners but that's not how it's going to work. there will be 4 people in each room and you cannot swop genders." i smiled as everyone groaned "you'll pick at random and no swooping"

By the end of the key picking i had landed up with Charli, Addison and Liv. while everyone else had whoever else they were with.

this is going to be a fun trip

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