Chapter Thirty-Four

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Lying low in Cali's apartment was the perfect spot to hide. Nobody knew Cali and more importantly, nobody knew she had any connection to Kade.

"Do you ever ask yourself, 'what's the point of it all'?" Kade asked.

"The point of what?" Cali responded.

"Life. Think about it, we live in this crazy world where the air is toxic, the waters are polluted, the people are shady, the leaders are corrupt. Ninety-five percent of the population, including animals, insects, and plants are dead. We struggle so hard in life and nothing ever comes easy. Family and friends are few, and any sort of optimism for the future seems dismal at best. There's no hope, no promise of a better tomorrow, no light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, at a certain point, as rational human beings, you have to question why we bother. Why continue on? For what purpose? What's the point of it all?"

"You're in a dark place right now, which is understandable, but I think it's clouding your judgement. Not everyone has this doom and gloom outlook as you. Sure, things aren't always rosy, but that has been true for many points throughout human history, but it always gets better. I think that's the hope that keeps people going. Hope that one day it could get better even if you can't see it now. If not for yourself, do it for your species. Make this place better for those coming after you."

"Did I ever show you this?" Kade asked, staring at a tiny object in the palm of his hand.

"What is that?"

"I'm not sure," Kade said. "The monks pulled it out of the back of my neck. I don't remember it being put in, but Kefu said the scar looked fresh."

"A tracking device perhaps?" Cali offered.

"Could be, but doesn't look like one. And it's not like Saigon is knocking at our door."

Just then, there was a knock on the door, which made them both stop talking and reach for their guns.

"Who the hell is that?" Kade asked.

"I'm not sure," Cali said, standing up slowly, approaching the door with caution. "No one knows we are here."

Kade stood at the end of a long corridor, gripping his gun tightly. Whoever were to come through the door would surely get blasted before taking their first step. Cali looked through the monitor, but didn't recognize the person on the other side. She looked at Kade and gave him a non-verbal cue to get ready.

Cali swung the door open and shoved a gun in the man's face.

"What do you want?" she barked.

"Whoa, don't shoot!" Tanjoban said, holding out his hands passively to show that he was unarmed.

"Tanjoban?" Kade said.


Kade charged down the hall, colliding with his old friend, as they wrapped their arms around each other in a tight embrace.

"Kade, my brother," Tanjoban said. "It's so good to see you again, buddy. How the hell are you?"

"I've been better," Kade said.

"Tanjoban I presume," Cali asked. "I hate to interrupt this touching moment, but how the hell did you know we where here?"

"Kade texted me the address. I guess he forgot to tell you."

"I must have forgot I did that. My brain has been a little off these last couple of days."

"You should probably get that checked out. Did you hit your head?"

"Dozens of times. I've been beat up, shot at, dropped on my head from over ten feet, been in several accidents, some involving explosions... and those are just the ones I remember."

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