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One day the lord of the blue sky
Needed a soldier for him to spy

Someone who could fly to and fro
And so he recruited the sparrow

The innocent bird wasn't ready
To gather information so steady

She fluttered her wings, jumping around
Flew back to him with gossip abound

"Lady of the house can't make good tea"
She chirped to him excitedly!

The lord stood up, grim and tall
"This my bird, is known to all..

Get me back something strange
So the world's history I can change!"

Onward she flew with all her might
Gathering all she could within sight

Peeking inside every home
Triangle, rectangle and even dome

Reaching the lord before the night
She began chirping with delight

"The old one cant find his glasses
The little one wont do her classes

Tiffs and arguments at home are many
Yet they live together in harmony"

The lord of the sky had a hearty laugh
She had done more than enough

Gifting her humor, agility and speed
From the new job he had her freed.

The Gift Of Wordsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें