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Janes pov:
My whole world just broke down. And for what? For nothing! Only because this filthy Natalia wanted to fool my brother and I! How dare her!! If she just wanted to hurt us then so be it, but she hurt our love! Our princess!! She ran away from us and we didn't even realized it because we were busy with that filthy Natalia!!! If it would be possible i would be vomiting all over myself with the knowledge alone where my tongue had been. What my mouth had been touching!! My poor love has seen it!! Of course she ran from us, why wouldn't she? We had hurt her so bad years ago, she might has thought that we where only playing her again. I can't believe this had to happen! She looks so tiny and pale on that hospital bed Carlisle had laid her down on. Master Marcus was talking to her, as if she would clearly hear his every word. Master aro had asked something that I didn't understand, just like the rest of us I guess.
„You two should come here. I think she needs you close." Master Marcus tells us with sad eyes. The tears standing in his eyes, unable to let them fall just like us. He softly lays a hand from both of us on her soft forehead. Feeling a choke leaving my throat at how weak my beloved mate looks like. It is all our fault! We should of known it's not her! Should of smelt it right away! My loves smell is so endearing and sweet!! No comparison to anyone else!!
„I am so sorry! We didn't know!" I tell her brokenly. Alec keeps on holding me upright with his other hand, like always being there for me.
„I swear we didn't know that it wasn't you!" he sighs out hurt, hurt that she has to feel like that because of us. Hurt of the fact that it's once again our fault! Carlisle even said he doesn't know if she is going to survive this. If she really is dying I won't be living a second longer! I will ask if someone could just kill me. I can't and I won't be living another day without my mate.
„You are Here. Why?" the heartbroken voice of my love asks. Her voice so clear in my head like at the day she had shown us her gifts with a bright smile. Looking at my brother to see if he also heard it. So after his confirming nod I understand that aro must of figured this out.
„Because we love you! We can't stand be away from you. We are so terribly sorry princess!" Alec tells her, trying to stay strong but I can hear his voice wavering.
„You replaced me. Again!" her sad and hurt voice says. Shaking my head at that.
„We would never replace you! We love you! We thought it was you! I swear we thought it was you!" I whimper out. It's the truth but how can we convince her from that? We never liked Natalia, she always tried to get in the middle of us. Telling everyone how she is our mate! We however never listened to that nonsense since we already knew who our true mate was! But never would I of thought that she would go as low as impersonate our mate. Just to hurt us and get her revenge because we didn't choose her. But it always only was Amalia! She is just perfect for us! Completes us and makes us feel alive again! But we apparently are too dumb to show her just how much we love her! instead we hurt her. For the first time ever I see myself as a monster! There won't be any other explanation how we could of hurt someone so perfect, so pure!!
„You kissed her." Amalia Sounds so devasted, it makes me weak to the core.
„We Did." I say, not wanting to lie to her. Lying would be just unacceptable. Especially now! I mean, she has seen us. There is no way in hiding the sad truth, that yes we did kiss that other girl. A power hungry whore at that!
„But Not on intention. We only ever want to kiss you. No one else." Alec adds. We waited and waited, but there was no reply from her. What does this mean? Doesn't she want to talk to us anymore? Wants to cut us out of her life? I can't even be mad about that. We hurt her, we are supposed to be punished for that. But my fear is that she might can't answer anymore. What if she really isn't going to wake up ever again? The panic gets unbearable at the thought of never seeing her beautiful eyes again! Never hearing her giggles again!
„You guys should wait outside for a moment. I need to go on with her examination." Carlisle tells us with apology. To everyone's wonder it seems, we went out without any complain. Normally we would be growling and maybe even attack for trying to separate us from our mate. But we know that Carlisle is the doctor here that needs to find out what is going on and how to help her.
„Hey, you will see she will be back with you two healthy as ever in no time!" Felix try's to cheer us up. It's nice of him to say that, but who is he trying to fool. She will wake up again, she has to! But I am not so sure that she will ever forgive us. She was so generous to let us in once more but yet we fuck it up again. Hurt her again!
„I don't know, but that's also what they all where saying. Marcus as well and I don't think he would lie. Especially not to you." we hear Carlisle say. So it's true, she doesn't want to talk to us anymore. Well, at least her condition hasn't gotten worse. That's the most important now. Her health is the only thing we should focus on right now!
„We should of turned her, claimed her fully. Then she would at least know that we want to spent eternity with her." I tell my brother softly. He softly puts his hand in mine.
„You are right, but we also haven't wanted to rush her." he answers me. It's true, still the question is if it would of changed anything. She at least wouldn't be laying her fighting for her life.
„I know darling. It hurts but if it is true, then you guys would have a true chance of living together. There is so much more that is worth staying alive for." he answers her I guess. It's weird that they would even try to talk her into a relationship with us. I always thought they would tell her she would be way better off without us.
„Masters, should I get some hotel rooms for us?" Felix questions, clearly needing something to do to get his head off of everything here.
„If you would like, you also could be staying here with us? whatever you prefer." esme informs us with a sad smile before entering the room we just got send out off.
„Your mates are outside, waiting for me to finish up with your examination." Carlisle softly says.
„Let me get you a blanket first, afterwards they can get back to you darling!" esme motherly says before running back out of the room to fetch the requested blanket.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now