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Amalias pov:
The day has been absolutely wonderful!! I had so much fun with the cullans and my baby sister! She has asked me to be her maid of honor and of course I agreed right away!! So happy she would even think of asking me! I know we always were pretty close, but we really never were close by each other.
„I am sorry to ask, but the question has been on my mind ever since you came here. How comes that you have no problem with being this close with Bella? I mean, she is still human and you are still a newborn vampire." jasper asks me with wonder.
„Honestly I don't know, but since the day I was turned I had no problem with my hunger. I also only feed once a week to the surprise of everyone." I answer him with a small shrug of my shoulders.
„I guess you haven't changed in many ways. Even as a human you always were careful to not hurt anyone even if they did hurt you." mum says with a soft smile. I guess she is right with that. I always begged emmet to not hurt my bully's even thought they were kicking and punching me. He still often hurt them since he couldn't stand the possibility of me getting hurt from them. I however often lectured him that even though I highly appreciate it that he wants to protect me, but that i still would prefer it if he wouldn't hurt them as well. So the sneaky vampire that he is, he only did it behind my back or frighten them so much that they would make a wide arc around me. I am really thankful for all of what they have done for me. And now my sister is officially joining their family as well. I can't think of much that would make me even more happy than that!! Well, maybe one thing but it will never happen anyway.
„Hey! What's with the frown?" bella asks me softly. Sighing softly, not sure if I even should tell her or not. This is her moment and I don't want to pop her happy bubble with my depressed thoughts.
„Amalia? What is it? You are worrying us." Edward says softly.
„It's nothing really. I just always thought with me being the older one." I mumble unsure of myself right now I stop my explanation.
„You thought you would get married before me." bella finishes for me. Not wanting to lie to her I only nod.
„But that's ok! I am more than happy to see you marrying Edward! I just know that it will be the best wedding ever! That I will make sure off!" I quickly say, not wanting to destroy the happy mood.
„I am sorry Amalia, I should of known that wouldn't be easy for you. Especially since we always would talk about our weddings when we were little." bella say sadly.
„Don't be silly! You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for! I don't think my mates even want to get married anyway. So no need to talk about something that will never happen!" I tell her with a forced smile.
„We however need to go dress shopping and planning! When do you even want to get married?" I say, trying to cheer her back up.
„Are you Sure?" bella wants to know still a bit unsure if she really should go on with simply planning.
„More than Sure!! So what date you were thinking about?" I ask them. Bella seems to fall for my weak smile other than Edward and esme who keep on eyeing me sadly.
„We thought about the day after graduation. That way the honeymoon also would perfectly cover up my change." Bella informs pretty happy about the soon wedding.
„Thats pretty sneaky of you. If you would be fine with it, i could talk with Demetri to accompany your change." I tell them since I totally forgot to tell them of our discovery.
„Why do you think he should accompany the change?" Edward questions irritated.
„I told you guys how I had no pain except for a few seconds right?" I ask them, waiting till they nod at me in answer.
„It was Demetri that has taken the pain away from me. I had my suspicion that it was him, but no one knew of his gift, not even him. So we tested it with Jane, and every time he touched her target, the pain vanished." I explain to them. Edward quickly hugs me tightly thanking me over and over while bella looks on complete lost.
„With Demetri around your change will be way less painful!" I tell her softly. Just than her eyes lit up as well, hugging me tightly just like Edward had done only seconds ago.
„So is it ok for you if I ask him?" I question even thought I am pretty sure that the answer would be yes.
„Yes! Of course!!" Edward quickly answers me with a wide smile.
„Perfect! I will be asking him right when I get back to Italy." I say with a nod towards them.
„Dress shopping also is a huge topic. When would you like to go?" I ask bella with a soft smile.
„I honestly was thinking about asking mum for her wedding dress." she says with an apologizing look towards me. She knows that Rene doesn't mean much to me, so she always feels horrible when she mentions her in front of me.
„That's fine with me! But don't you want to pep it up a bit? We could still visit a shop to maybe add some more details to it. We at least need to make sure the fit suits you!" I tell her with a smile. She slowly nods at me.
„You are right! We definitely should do that!" bella happily agrees and I can see her already thinking of how to change the dress to fit her personal style better.
„Awesome! So think about a date and then give me a call. I would like to come along if you won't mind." I say with a wide smile. Happy that she is happy with my suggestions so far!
„That would be amazing!! I would really love to have you with me by every step of this!!" bella says. I can see her excitement and that makes me even more happy for her. Looking towards the clock, I sigh heavily. Guess I should get going again, my mates surely are waiting for me.
„I am afraid I have to leave now. But please call me as soon as you get any fixed dates." I say with a smile.
„Anyway! I am really happy for you! And I am also really proud of the woman you have become!" I softly tell her before hugging her once more.
„Thank you so much! I love you!" she says tearily.
„Love you too!" i say, softly kissing her forehead before turning to the rest to say my goodbyes to them.
„Take Good care darling! And i am sorry your mates don't understand how much you would like to get married to them." Esme softly says a bit sad.
„Don't worry mum, it's ok." I answer her. Hugging her once more, breathing in her unique scent that always calms me down completely.
With another wave to everyone I close my eyes and when I open my eyes again, I am back in Italy.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now